My photo
Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
I´m baptist missionary by faith with PMM Inc.,USA I'm married and with my wife Anita have four marvelous daughters. Our principal ministry is theological education. My passion is write, preach & teach about my Lord Jesus, around my country Ecuador, and Latin America. Dr. Joselito Orellana. DMin. PhD. Born in Ecuador, in Piñas City, province of El Oro Living in Quito, since 1985. Baptist Pastor's 18 years old. It missionary for Latin America Palm Missionary Ministries Inc, USA. It is involved in the ministries of higher theological teaching, pastoral training, church ministry, family counseling, literature, bioethics, and educational administration. Master's degrees (Colombia, Ecuador and Spain): Bible; Theology; Educative Management; and, Bioethics. Doctor of Ministry in Theology (DMin.) and Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (PhD) awarded by Vision International University, from Miami, FL-USA.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Missionary Prayer Letter- February 2007

"He who testifies to these things says, Yes, I am coming soon" Rev. 22:20

Anita & I have been married for twelve years. We give many thanks to our Lord and Shepherd Jesus for this wonderful experience. The most important thing is that our daughters are growing up in the fear of the Lord. Our lasting heritage for them is a simple message: To love Jesus. That's all we want!

  • Seven years ago our home church (UBC) split. However, the congregations reconciled on the first Sunday of this past February. Praise the Lord! This is a big blessing and miracle. We are very excited and we have many dreams!
  • Anita shared a special conference & crafts for the ladies at Candelaria Baptist Church, and Joselito is preaching there one time per month. Also, we are both helping with a few family counseling cases at Candelaria.
  • We went to the countryside to visit three small Baptist churches (Toachi, Alluriquín y Dos Ríos). In March we will return there for three days to teach, baptize, preach, and to celebrate communion.
  • Joselito and others musicians played the guitar in a special concert of hymns in our home church. It was a wonderful experience for us as church!
  • Anita went to Puerto Lopez to help with the Vacation Bible School (leading and teaching). She prepared all the materials. Also, we gave them some Bible study materials (tracts, books for the pastor, booklets, etc.).
  • This month Joselito finished his doctoral program in Theology (ThD) and will graduate on April 13. He's very excited, tired, and thankful. Praise to the Lord!
  • Joselito is writing his new book for the SBPH ( The theme is the contemporary problems in the ministry (an apologetic and biblical perspective).
  • Next month Anita will begin her masters program in counseling. Pray for her!
  • Pray for our physical health; Anita & I were very sick with influenza.
  • Please pray for our economic support , right now it is very low (this is critical).
  • And especially pray for a new laptop & data projector.
With love in Christ: Joselito & Anita Orellana. (Galatians 2:20).

Missionary Prayer Letter, January 2007

"He who testifies to these things says, Yes, I am coming soon." Rev. 22:20

  • We are planning to work mostly in the countryside this year. We will help four churches. Our daughters are very involved inthis task.
  • Anita is working very hard with ladies and children
  • Joselito is teaching, preaching, and writing.

  • Joselito preached at the last Sunday service (Dec. 31/07) of the Baptist Church in Puerto Lopez, and Anita helped in their Sunday School class. We shared Bible materials with them.
  • Joselito preached the first sermon of 2007 at Candelaria Baptist Church.
  • We had the first intensive meeting of our School of Ministry ( at our home church (Jan 22-26). Joselito taught pastoral ethics and Anita taught Christian Education.
  • Joselito went to Guayaquil, for a meeting with the seminary national council and a meeting with national Baptist young people.
  • We are the hosting the Latin-American Baptist youth congress in October 2007.
  • We are using the materials of The Bible League with our churches in the countryside (Candelaria for example). These materials are verybiblical, and easy to use.

  • The president of the WorldBaptist Alliance (, Dr. David Coffey visited Ecuador and Joselito was his driver in Quito. We had a few business meetings, church service, and nice fellowship. Before his visit to Quito, he went to Puerto Lopez, and visited our little Baptist Church there. He was very enthusiastic about this work!
  • Joselito was invited by the Spanish Baptist Publishing House ( ) to write the commentary on Mark's Gospel and other books. He's very excited about this, and he's going do it!
  • Also you can see news about through the website for the ministry New Beginning Resources They are helping to support our ministryin Ecuador.

  • We need to get a new laptop & projector. This is veryimportant in our education ministry, also for evangelism in rural areas (project films).
  • Pray for a new church in the countryside that we hope to help this year (140 Km from Quito).
  • Pray for our economic support. Right now it is very low, and we have many debts to pay. Thisis an urgent request; don't forget to pray for us.

With love in Christ: Joselito & Anita Orellana. (Galatians 2:20).

Last Letter of 2006

“He who testifies to these things says, Yes, I am coming soon” Rev. 22:20

We are very excited for your partnership with us in this year. We want to give many thanks for you, for your love and care for us. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year 2007. May God bless you richly. We are going to take one week to rest and to dedicate special time to our family. This year was very productive but so tiring. Thanks again!

  • We visited Candelaria Baptist Church, and Joselito preached about biblical obedience. After three days, Joselito also preached, two times, at the burial of a good sister from Candelaria Baptist Church. She was the sister in law of the pastor there. Near 1300 people attended and listened to the preaching of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus.
  • We went to Toachi, for the national elections, and Joselito & Anita shared with the Sunday school adults and kids, in the New Life Baptist Church.
  • We had a Special ordination ceremony for our pastor at UBC. Joselito preached and coordinated this program.
  • Joselito was invited to preach in the special Christmas ceremony in our High School in Pifo. It was an opportune time to share the Gospel of Jesus among our students, teachers and parents.
  • We had a special Christmas party in the School of our daughter, and then in our Church. It was a nice time for Christmas songs, dramas, candies, etc.
  • We resigned as associate pastor in University Baptist Church, because our Schedule is very busy.
  • Joselito went to Manta (Manabi province), sent by Latin-American Christian University, to teach an intensive course about Bibliology. Also in Quito he shared this course.
  • Joselito went to Guayaquil for Vision International University, to teach an intensive course about Missiology. It was my first time with them.
  • Joselito is working out a special arrangment for Ecuadorian Baptist Theological Seminary with another University. The new area director is asking Joselito to continue for one year more, and I'm praying about this..!
  • We shared Christmas candies for poor children of Loja (Cariamanga), Puerto Lopez (Manabi), and in our neighborhood (Anita 's Bible Club)
  • For the next year: We have big goals, and we are looking for the specific direction from the Lord for us.
  • Many thanks to my Lord for my doctoral program. I delivered my PhD thesis.
With love in Christ: JOSELITO & ANITA ORELLANA.

Special Report- Orellana Family

Quito, October 2006
Warmest greetings in the grace of the Lord. We present here a brief report of our ministries. Everything has been detailed in our monthly reports sent to the Board and our donors.

Our Family

  • Génesis is in the fifth grade and will turn nine in March 2007. She wants to be baptized next year. She participates in our groups.
  • Galilea is in second grade. She turned six on September 28. She helps her Mom in our children’s club ministry and in the church.
  • Belén turned two on September 30; she is walking and learning her first words. She knows some Christian songs and livens up our family worship time.


  • Her priority is her ministry to our girls at home and local administration.
  • She is teaching courses in Christian Education and Crafts in the Baptist Seminary, and also in our pastoral training programs.
  • She is involved in our IBU church teaching special conferences to the ladies, serving as their secretary, and also teaching in the Sunday School, she also participates in marital counseling.
  • She has a weekly ministry to women and children in our neighborhood.
  • She helps some sisters in various churches in biblical counseling.


  • He continues serving as President and professor of the Ecuadorian Baptist Theological Seminary (STBE). Forty students in Guayaquil graduated with bachelor’s degrees in Theology and Christian Education in December 2005. In Quito, we are offering a Pastoral Training program with seminary level accreditation for high school graduates that desire to continue their formal education.
  • He was invited to teach in the Vision International University, beginning in November 2006, in countries outside of Ecuador. In addition to teaching in the Latin-American Christian University (UCL), he continues teaching in the Logos Christian University (Contextual Hermeneutics, Bibliography, and Theology) and also serves as a tutor for theses and projects in the Theology department at the UCL.
  • He continues as national counselor for the Evangelical Baptist Youth of Ecuador (JEBE). He was reelected for two more years and has been the plenary speaker for their national congresses for the last tour years. The next congress will be for the entire Latin-American level and will be held in Ecuador.
  • He is completing a PhD in Theology and will graduate, Lord willing, in April 2007.
    He finished writing his Exegetical and Pastoral Commentary on Luke (vol. 16 Hispanic World Biblical Commentary) for our Baptist Publication House of El Paso, Texas. It will be in bookstores in March 2007.
  • He is serving as associate pastor at the University Baptist Church (IBU), assists with the youth and children’s Sunday Schools, and ministers through music.
  • We continue with the ministry of CCBP ( for pastors and leaders around Quito and in the countryside. These pastors do not have any possibility of obtaining other kinds of formal education. Our church sponsors six intensive courses, each lasting one week, every year. The students come from various provinces: Cañar, Guayas, Pichincha and Manabí.


This year we have:

  • Received five groups from our supporting churches in the USA. They came to work with churches and other ministries (teaching, construction, evangelism, new church planting, medical clinics, Backyard Bible Clubs, logistics support, sister church programs);
  • Cooperated as members of the Board of Palm Missionary Ministries in Ecuador;
  • Participated in the opening of a new work in Puerto Lopez, Manabí. They now have twenty adult members, their own pastor, and meet in a rented building.
  • Offered pastoral training to various leaders in indigenous Quichua churches, both in Calderón and Cañar, through an itinerant ministry;
  • Served as conference speakers in various congresses and annual meetings;
  • Supported various rural churches that do not have a pastor or who are in the process of ministerial development;
  • And purchased a new 4x4 vehicle for our missionary ministry in the countryside.

Prayer Concerns

  • Thanksgiving for the generous protection and provision of the Lord.
  • For my orphaned nephew and niece: Michelle 13 years old and Andrés 11 years old. They are part of our family now.
  • For our spiritual and physical health.
  • Pray for a new associate pastor for our church (IBU) and for a new President of the seminary (STBE). Joselito will resign these two responsibilities at the beginning of the new year.
  • For the future of our ministry. Apparently, the Lord is showing us that soon we will have to leave our country. We are very disillusioned by many things that are occurring with the church and the Baptist denomination, as well as in the country itself. We are open to go and minister wherever the Lord wants to send us!

Urgent Needs

  • To increase our economic support. We have lost some supporters and our support has fallen some 50%. Now we have only 15% of what our mission agency PMM requires. We do not receive any economic support from Ecuador, not from the church nor from the Baptist convention. The small amount I receive as an honorarium from the UCL is very little.
  • To obtain visas to the USA for our whole family.
  • We are looking for a new place to live in Quito, completely private, not in an apartment-type complex where we are now. We are suffering persecution here because we are Evangelical missionaries. For example, they constantly scratch and hit our old car as well as our new car (it has been scratched and hit and is only a month old), they paint obscenities near our house, they stole Joselito’s bicycle two days ago, they write graffiti on the walls, and they show a hostile and threatening attitude because of what we are, what we have, and what we do.

Principle Goals for 2007

  • To travel to the USA to share about our family and ministry.
  • To complete Joselito’s doctorate.
  • For Anita to begin a Masters degree in Family Counseling.
  • Joselito will begin a ministry of Theological Education outside of our country by means of the University and also through the ministry of our supporting churches from the USA.
  • Joselito will begin writing his commentary on the book of Acts.
  • To develop our English to a higher level [the eternal language of heaven, ha ha!]
  • Joselito will have a complete medical check-up.
  • To support the rural indigenous ministry in other parts of the country. We have received invitations to support the work in the provinces de Cañar, Tungurahua, and Cayambe.

May the love of God, the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with all of us. Amen. A hug and rich blessings from the Lord.

Yours in Christ,
Joselito & Anita Orellana.

Missionary Prayer Letter- October 2006


We are fine, we have been a little sick (influenza) but without problems. This month really was very busy. Our daughters are growing very well. Anita is busy with her special programs for the end of the year. Joselito participated in many opportunities of ministry.


  • We celebrated the Annual Congress #34 of the Baptist Young People. Joselito was the principal speaker and helped with the music (playing the guitar & piano). Joselito was reelected as National Counselor of this organization, of the Ecuadorian Baptist Convention (for two more years ).
  • We had the last meeting of this year for the pastoral training program. 21 students attended from different places of the country side. Also, we celebrated the Christmas season with a special ceremony, and Joselito preached on the biblical perspective of this holiday.
    Joselito continues preaching at UBC, this month his message was the message to the Church in Laodicea (Rev. 3:14-22).
  • We have a new chaplain for our High School in Pifo (It's a ministry of the University Baptist Church). Joselito is helping to develop a special academic and pastoral project for the school. Joselito visited this school and taught a special conference for all the teacher about the Biblical Model of Development (based in the life the John the Baptist, and our Lord Jesus).
  • We celebrated the annual meeting from Palm Missionary Ministries Inc., in October. Joselito was reelected as a Vice president and Legal Representative of PMM in Ecuador (for two more years).
  • We went to Toachi for the national elections in Ecuador, and Joselito and Anita helped with preaching and Sunday school for kids in the New Life Baptist Church. This was the first trip with our new pickup.
  • This month, Joselito will officiate a wedding for a couple we have discipled.
  • For our spiritual and physical health. We are looking for special rest time for us.
  • Pray for the PhD program of Joselito. He needs much wisdom and time for this task.
  • Pray for our country. We need to choose the next president and this is very important.

Missionary Prayer Letter- September 2006


  • Galilee & Bethlehem had their birthdays on September 28th and 30th . They are now six and two years old, respectively
  • Joselito sent his commentary on Luke to the Spanish Baptist Publishing House, in the Paso, TX-USA. Thanks again for your prayers for this big and special project for me. I'm very tired, but so glad for the opportunity!


  • Anita is doing very well with her Bible Club for Kids every Saturday in our neighborhood.
  • Joselito continues preaching at UBC, this month he preached on the message to the Church in Philadelphia (Rev. 3:7-13). He is also helping with pastoral counseling and has helped with a few very difficult cases and emergencies (baby burial, family conflicts, and divorce among Christians).
  • Our University Baptist Church bought a fifteen passenger van for mission trips. Praise the Lord.


  • The Vision International University accepted Joselito's commentary on Luke as his graduate project for his PhD. Praise the Lord. He will probably graduate in April 2007 .
  • Good news: We have our new ministry car... Praise the Lord. It's a Toyota Hilux 4x4. You can see this car in Please- don't forget to pray for this, because we have a debt with them. We are very excited for this wonderful blessing for our ministry.


  • Joselito will be the principal speaker in the national congress of the Ecuadorian Baptist Youth, in October. The topic is The Postmodernism and the Christian Faith: Ethics , Spirituality and Missions (The Baptist perspective).
  • Pray for the next annual meeting from Palm Missionary Ministries Inc. to be held in Santo Domingo in October.
  • Pray for the next session of the pastoral training program coming up in October.

Missionary Prayer Letter- August 2006

  • Anita went with our daughters to Santo Domingo, for the eleventh birthday of my nephew Andrew; he is the second child of my sister Lourdes (+).
  • This month my father Joaquin, will celebrate his 89th birthday. He is a firm believer in Christ, and his health is better than mine! Praise the Lord for his life and testimony.


  • Joselito continues preaching at UBC, this month his message was the message to the Church in Sardis (Rev. 3:1-6). He is also helping with a few cases of pastoral counseling.
  • We had the next intensive week of pastoral training program at UBC; forty students attended from nine different places of the countryside. Joselito taught Old Testament Survey, and Anita taught Christian Education for Kids, Teenagers and Adults (both, eight hours every day, for five days). The next session will be in October.
  • We went as a family with the youth from Candelaria Baptist Church to the Beach in Esmeraldas for a special retreat for them (two days). Joselito was invited to be a speaker. The topic was sexual purity. We had forty people there. It was very nice experience for my daughters and my wife, because usually I go alone. This time they came with me.


  • We received special big economic blessing from one of our donors. We want to give many thanks to our Lord for this special blessing for us. Praise the Lord.


  • We are waiting for our new ministry car (4x4). It's coming maybe in December or January 2007. We are going to buy with credit because we only have 50%.
  • Don't forget please, to pray for Joselito, and his commentary on Luke . September is the goal to finish.

Missionary Prayer Letter- July 2006

Hello everybody. Greetings from Quito. Here is our July letter. I'm sorry it's very late; I'm very busy with my commentary on Luke. Thanks again for your love and care for us. Blessings..!

  • My daughters are on summer vacation. It's very nice and fun for them but not always for us, because we have so much noise in our house!!
  • Genesis and Galilee went to their first Baptist camp for kids between 6 to 12 years old. The place was La Merced, the same place that Anita & I studied in the Baptist Seminary many years ago. It was a great experience for them. Anita and I were alone in our house, with Bethlehem, for three days.
  • Anita helped this month with biblical counseling a few sisters from Candelaria Baptist Church.
  • Anita also is helping with the preparation of Campground for Kids for the Baptist Association in Quito.
  • Joselito preached at the graduation ceremony of the High School of the University Baptist Church. 26 students graduated. The topic of the sermon was 2 Tim. 4:5. Also, Joselito continued preaching at UBC this month on the message to the Church in Pergamum and Tiatira (Rev. 2:12-17).
  • Joselito was invited to preach in the Christian Alliance Church of Sangolqui, for a special service of reconciliation. I went with my family, and after the service, I had a special meeting for reconciliation, for five hours. But, it was a wonderful experience to see the grace and mercy of my Lord Jesus.
  • Joselito also preached the funeral of Pastor Pedro Vasquez mother-in-law from Candelaria Baptist Church.
  • Anita was invited to participate in a Retreat of Baptist Independent Women. (From The World Baptist Fellowship). Four women of our new Baptist Mission in Puerto Lopez attended with her for three days. Candelaria Baptist Church and New Life Baptist Church belong this denomination. They are good brothers and believers in Christ, and we at times work with them.


  • We had a national emergency when the Tungurahua Volcano erupted, which affected the group from USA of our friend Steve Thompson who is a Baptist missionary with Global Outreach and has been in Ecuador for twenty years. Due to the eruption we took the group to Candelaria Baptist Church, and they had a good ministry there for three days: Bible Club for kids, painting the chapel, reparation of building, personal evangelism, and special service for fellowship.


  • Thanks giving for a big economic blessing from one of our donors. Right now, we have enough to cover our urgent needs, and also we have 50% of the cost to buy our new ministry car (a 4x4) Praise the Lord.
  • Joselito is working very hard at writing his Commentary on Luke. Pray for that please.

Joselito, Anita, and Bethlehem in Puerto Lopez

Team from Kentucky serving through various types of construction

Joselito, Anita, and Bethlehem in the newly established
Baptist Church in Puerto Lopez

Joselito leading worship during an outdoor evangelistic service in Puerto Lopez

Missionary Prayer Letter- June 2006

Our Family
This month was very busy for us, but very blessed. My daughters are finishing the school year. They are very happy because they have two months of vacation. (July, August). Bethlehem is really growing. She was with us on the beach in Puerto Lopez (Manabi province). We saw the whales one morning, it was a fantastic experience. They are a picture of the glory of our God.

Our Ministry

  • Puerto Lopez Baptist Church- Anita & I were to Puerto Lopez with a work team from KY-USA. Our friend and partner David Sills came with us. We had many ministry opportunities to serve the Lord Jesus at Puerto Lopez, including : Medical clinics; Painting, cleaning the Chapel; Bible club for kids; Ladies conferences; Personal testimonies; Conferences in various educative institutions; Radio family programs; Evangelistic services every night; and, Fellowship. Anita worked with ladies and kids; and Joselito helped with preaching, teaching many conferences, congregational music, personal counseling, and speaking every morning on the Radio. Now, we have a beautiful Biblical Baptist Church there; maybe twenty members, youth and adults. Praise the Lord.
  • Candelaria Baptist Church- Joselito was invited to be a Speaker for the Family Campaign (two weekends). It was a wonderful experience to preach the Word of God. Three hundred persons attended the last service (including kids). Also, we had the Holy Communion celebration.
  • University Baptist Church- Joselito preached about the message to the Church in Smyrna (Rev. 2:8-11) the last Sunday. Also we had baptisms (five new believers in Christ) and Holy Communion.
  • Latin American Christian University- This month, Joselito is teaching a special intensive course about Bibliography.
Palm Missionary Ministries- Ecuador
Please continue praying for my boss, Art Patray and his wife. They need much emotionally and spiritual support now. Is not easy, to see a family member suffer. Please, don't forget this request.

Anita continues with her ministry to Ladies and kids in our neighborhood. Joselito continues writing his commentary on Luke’s Gospel. He also continues with his classes on the doctoral program in Theology, through the Vision International University.

Prayer Requests

  • Thanksgiving for the spiritual and economic provision of our Lord Jesus
  • Thanksgiving for many opportunities to serve. We are very excited for this, because it's an objective evidence of our divine calling. ¡Praise the Lord…!

Missionary Prayer Letter- May 2006


We want to open our hearts in this letter. We need to make many decisions about our ministry here in Ecuador. We are very busy with good things but we want to focus in the most important tasks for us: preaching, teaching, writing, and counseling

Also we need to expand our economic support. Right now we only have 30% of our budget with Palm Missionary Ministries. Unfortunately, we don't receive any support from our ministries here in our country (Church, Convention, Seminary, and University)

We have various needs that aren't satisfied, for example: We don't have life insurance, retreat, education for us and our daughters, car collision insurance, and others. Please pray for these needs.

As family, we visited Chachimbiro (Imbabura Province) and with my father (Joaquin), my sister and her son (Ligia & Italo), and Michelle & Andrew (Lourdes' kids). This place has many hot prings from the volcanos. It was our first time there, and it was a cool experience.

We have a new family member; a nice pet. He was a special gift from my sister Ligia to my daughters. His name is Cotton, he is two months old, male, and a little lamb.


Please pray for the followings possible decisions (for the future):

University Baptist Church:

  • I'm thinking to resign as associate pastor in UBC in December 2006, because the church is much better now.
  • They have a pastor full time, and other good leaders. And we need to spend more time visiting and supporting other churches in the countryside (without pastors), and other countries in Latin America too (supporting through theological education).
Ecuadorian Baptist Theological Seminary:

  • Also, I'm thinking of resigning as Rector (in one year more), because the Baptist Association in Quito doesn't want to work with the Ecuadorian Baptist Convention. This situation is very sad, but true. I don't want to be in the middle of this circumstance.
  • We have in Quito, a special pastoral training program and the courses are credited on the seminary level. We have twenty five students on this program. For me, the most important thing in our missionary job is the ministry and personal contact, not special titles.
Joselito has been preaching for the past several months on the seven messages to the Churches in Revelation (one Sunday per month). Also, he is sharing a study bible on Revelation every Wednesday at UBC.


Our goal for this year is to go to the USA to visit our friends, donors, and churches, to share our ministry and to look for more support. We are waiting for our visas, special invitations for the trip, and praying about the finances.


Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to share from our heart: our needs, decisions, and dreams. Praise the Lord Jesus for your lives, families, and ministries. And thanks again for your care for us. We don't warrant this beautiful blessing from God.

Joselito restarted this month his task of writing about the Gospel of Luke. Also, he started his classes on the doctoral program, through Vision International University

  • For the next missionary group from USA in June. We will go to Puerto Lopez (on the beach of Manabi Province). The goal is to begin a new Baptist Church at this wonderful location.
  • Pray for Anita, She wants to begin a Bible Club for children in our neighborhood.

Thanks you so much, for your prayers and support for us. God bless you All.

With love in Christ, Joselito & Anita Orellana (Galatians 2:20)

Missionary Prayer Letter, April 2006


  • Anita worked very hard this month and our daughters were a big help to us in our ministry.
  • Genesis celebrated her birthday party a little late because we were very busy the last month. It was a nice experience to share this event as a family.
  • Joselito celebrated his birthday on April 7. He received a special gift (Christian books) from our Church in Louisville Kentucky (Sunday School Class).


  • We went to work in our High School in Pifo with a work team from our Baptist Church in Louisville. It was a nice opportunity to share the Gospel with our teachers, students and community there. Joselito preached and shared a special conference for the teachers about "Bible Pedagogy." Anita worked with Bible Club for children.
  • We have had a problem with our chaplain there because his work and attitude have not reflected the spirit of the Lord. We need to hire a new person who is a real servant for this important job and ministry. Please pray for this.
  • Joselito preached at UBC, about "The Seven Words, and One More." We showed a couple of wonderful dramas on Good Friday --"The Footprint of Calvary" and "My Resurrection with Christ" (1 Peter 1:3-9). Also, Joselito preached an evangelistic campaign at Candelaria Baptist Church about the "The Profile of Christian Parents." In total he preached seven sermons in three days and various places (including Pifo). It was very hard, but very exciting... praise the Lord!
  • Joselito went to Puerto Lopez (11 hours of bus trips) to visit the Christian group there and to prepare all the logistics for the next group from the USA in June. Also, he preached in their service. It was a beautiful experience to share with them and to encourage them in the big goal--to open a new Baptist church there.
  • We had the intensive week in UBC (eight hours each day) of Bible Training for Pastors. Joselito taught "Survey of Bible Doctrine" and Anita taught "Methods and Principles of Christian Teaching." Fifteen students attended from various places: Guayaquil, Cañar, Pedro Vicente Maldonado, Puerto Lopez, Mindo, and Quito.
  • Last Sunday, Joselito preached in UBC on Revelation 4: "The glorious future of believers in Christ." As a church, we need to grow in our commitment to the Great Commission.


We are changing medical insurance providers one more time. This private service is very expensive but the social security medicine from our government is very bad. It's very sad, but true.


This month was so busy. But we are very glad for many opportunities to serve our Lord Jesus Christ. In May, I'm going to put emphasis in my book on Luke. Please pray for this. I will probably have to leave the house for the writing because is not possible to write quietly there.


  • For our home church in Ecuador and their plans for Christian missions.
  • For the next missionary group from the USA in June (evangelization, pastoral training, discipleship). We will go to Puerto Lopez (on the beach of Manabi Province). There is a small group of Baptist believers there, and we have decided as missionaries, to support the establishing of a new Baptist Church at this beautiful place.
  • For our economic support, which is still very low. And, we have other urgent needs now also.

Missionary Prayer Letter, March 2006


  • Anita went to Manabi to visit her family for three days in Puerto Lopez. She was able to encourage her mother and brother since her mother is a little sick and needs emotional support now. We also want to support a new church in Puerto Lopez. Right now, there are ten members and their leader.
  • Genesis celebrated her eighth birthday on March 21st. We are very proud of her and her spiritual growth. She wants to express her faith through baptism, probably this year. Pray for this, because it is very important for us and for the Kingdom of God here on the earth.
  • Joselito is thinking (and praying) about starting a doctoral program. He has three opportunities: Vision International University (Th.D.); Logos Christian University (D.Min.) and Oviedo University from Spain (Ph.D. in superior education). Each of these programs are in Ecuador. After much prayer, he has decided that the better option (academic emphasis and budget) is Vision’s program. Pray for him, for his choice, and for the economic support for this purpose.
  • Our daughters are doing well. Galilee is fine, growing in the grace of the Lord. She enjoys painting all the time. Bethlehem is learning new words, and singing and jumping on her little rocking horse. Thanks to Ralph and Kathy Kurtenbach for this special gift for her.


  • My wife Anita and I went to Pifo (30 miles from Quito) to visit our church's High School, to plan the activities for the next missionary work team, and to search for guest houses for them there.
  • Joselito preached at UBC about “The Servant’s Profile” (Ecclesiastes. 5:1-7). We had a special ceremony for the new leaders in our home church.
  • We are preparing a special program for Holy Week. Joselito wrote the script for this presentation (The Seven Words, and One More). It will be a nice opportunity to share the Message of the Cross and the Power of the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus.


I’m very excited for Guayaquil, but I’m very sad for Quito. Quito has had many problems with their goal to reopen the Seminary. However, our Dean of the Guayaquil Center told me they will start the next semester in April with 80 students. Praise the Lord for this special blessing. Pray for our Field Board there.


  • Remember in your prayers my boss Art Patray (Major President of PMM Inc) and his wife Barbara. She has cancer and is awaiting her encounter with our Sweet Lord and Saviour.
  • Also, don’t forget to pray for Bill Quesemberry, our Administrator. He is a wonderful partner for us, and he does an excellent job.
  • Finally, please pray for our Ecuador Board, we need much wisdom for making many decisions.


We finished the semester in the Christian University. The next course that Joselito will be teaching is New Testament III (Exegesis on Revelation). Also Joselito is reading other graduation projects.


  • For Joselito and his doctoral program with Vision International University.
  • Please continue praying for Joselito’s Commentary on Luke. I got an extension of time until September.
  • For the next missionary group from the USA in April (evangelization, pastoral training, discipleship). We will go to Pifo, where our church has a high school, and where we also want to open a new mission.

Missionary Prayer Letter- February 2006

“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me”
Our Family
Anita and I celebrated our 11th Wedding Anniversary. We give thanks to our Lord Jesus for this sweet gift. We want to be strong and continue being faithful with our ministry commitment.
Bethlehem was a little sick again. We don't know what happens with her, but every month she has a health problem. Her doctor told us that it was possibly an attack of rotavirus.
Don't forget to visit us at our own website- Thanks so much again to our brother and partner Rodney Bond, from Global Outreach, for his kind hospitality with our former website. It was a nice experience. We sincerely appreciate your help Rod. May God bless you richly!
We want to give many thanks to our brother, Timmy Brister; he was the designer of this new website for us. God job, Tim- we appreciate your help so much. Congratulations on a great job and thanks again! Timmy is a student of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, KY and his website is:
Churches & University Baptist Church (our home church)
Starting this month, Anita is teaching the Teenager's Class in our Sunday School. She presented a special show with mime about Valentine's Day. It was cool to see our kids as actors.
Joselito preached in UBC about Christian commitment to the Holy Scriptures (Ezra 7:10). We need to recover as a church the missionary vision and so reach Quito and Ecuador for Christ.
We had an intensive week of our pastoral training program at UBC for pastors that are working in the countryside. Joselito teaches New Testament. The next encounter will be in April.
Ecuadorian Baptist Theological Seminary & Ecuadorian Baptist Convention
As Theological Director of the Ecuadorian Baptist Convention, we are waiting for the local Baptist Association to outline the new project in Quito. They are working to develop a vision for our seminary here.
In Guayaquil, they will begin the new semester in April. We are expecting 80 students.
Palm Missionary Ministries-Ecuador
We had to change our medical insurance provider because they unilitaterally decided to end our contract. I do not understand clearly the reasons, but we have provisional coverage now until August 2006. Pray for permanent insurance coverage arrangements.
My nephew, Solomon Patrick (23 years old), had a car accident. He was hospitalized for emergency surgery in Vozandes Hospital. He was in surgery for 5 hours because his face was 50% destroyed. He stayed in the hospital for ten days. He is recovering now and w are hoping that his vision (right eye) will be okay in the future. He is a believer in Christ, but needs to move closer to the Lord Jesus and His Holy Word.
Also, please don't forget to visit this website if you want to see beautiful pictures of our last group:
Joselito went to Manta-Manabi province (Ecuadorian coast) to teach an intensive course about Contextual Hermeneutics for the Latin American Christian University.
Prayer Requests
  • For our daughters, for their physical and spiritual health, and their studies
  • Please continue praying for my Luke's Commentary. I'm very excited but geting nervous about it now.
  • For our next missionary group from the USA in April (evangelization, pastoral training, discipleship). We will probably be in the town of Pifo, as our church has a high school there and we want to open a new mission.
“The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me”
Thank you so much, for your prayers and support for us.
God bless you All.

With love in Christ, Joselito & Anita Orellana
(Galatians 2:20)

Missionary Prayer Letter, January 2006

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me"


Our daughters were a little sick because of the weather changes, but they are fine now. Joselito also was a little sick with pain in his throat for a few days. His voice was very strange and funny.

Pray for Anita, she is thinking about getting accreditation of her Christian Education Bachelor with the University and then to begin a Master program. This is something she really wants to do.

Also, please pray for Genesis. She is very intelligent really, but very absent-minded. She has many problems with her English classes. With the others subjects she is doing fine.


We went to visit the New Life Baptist Church in Toachi (first Sunday of this year). It was a nice experience to praise the Lord together. Anita was helping in the Preschool Class in the Sunday School and Joselito was helping with pastoral counseling. This church needs to finish their building and for this they are in the process of collecting many offerings. We are praying that a building group could come from USA this year to finish their construction.

This month we celebrated the 43rd Anniversary of our home church UBC. We had a special service for this purpose. Luis Anda was our guest preacher (Luis was a member of the group with us from Kentucky), special music and the presence of the teachers of our high school in Pifo (30 miles from Quito). Afterwards, we had a special and delicious lunch for all. Praise the Lord...!

Joselito will continue this year as associate pastor at our home church, University Baptist Church, and also help the worship minister at UBC by playing the guitar and piano. He also serves as associate teacher of the young adults' class in Sunday School. Joselito is the Director of the Ministry Training School of UBC.

Joselito recently preached at UBC, about of the corruption in Ecuador (Ezekiel 16:49 cf., Genesis 19).


You know that the Seminary administration is now under the control of the Pichincha Baptist Association. They decided not to reopen the Seminary in Quito until September 2006. The vice-president of this Association told me that reason is: "We don't have a strategic project for this. We named a special commission for this purpose. The goal is to reopen the seminary in September 2006". In my opinion, they just don't have vision in the leadership of the local association. Joselito is the Rector of the seminary, and therefore is the national authority, but he manages academic issues only. The seminary center in Guayaquil continues to function well.


Ecuador's Board of Palm Missionary Ministries had a special meeting for fellowship this month. We also reviewed many administrative and pastoral situations. Please remember to pray for our missionaries around the world.


Our first missionary group (an academic group really) of this year was from Kentucky-USA (January 2-11). They were students of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville (masters degree program in various specialties). Their teacher and leader, our major partner David Sills PhD, (Director of the Missiology Doctoral Program, SBTS) came with them. It was a nice experience for all to get to know our country, history, the culture, missions, tribes (Quichua, Tsachilas, Otavalos, and others), and share in various churches. The goal was to research anthropological issues and missiology development in Ecuador. I want to give special thanks to my other partner Ralph Kurtenbach (HCJB Communications Latin America Region) for guiding the special tour of HCJB World Radio and Vozandes Hospital. We visited many wonderful places, museums, historic monuments, Catholic cathedrals, touristy places, volcanoes and many others. We had the special and marvelous experience to attend the Jacchigua Folklore Ballet; this was my first time. It was very interesting and exciting to me to get to know my country much better. I enjoyed this group and discovered, one more time, that my country is the best of the world! If you want to see many beautiful pictures about this trip, please visit the next web site: or


Pray especially for my writing on the Commentary on Luke. I am behind on this task and it is very important to me.

Pray for us, because we need to be strong to begin this year in the grace of the Lord. We have many needs. You can see more about that on our little web page.

Please continue praying for our goals for this New Year, to the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.

"The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me"

Thanks you so much, for your prayers and support for us. God bless you all.

With love in Christ, Joselito & Anita Orellana (Galatians 2:20)

Visit us please in our own web site: Pray for us please!

Personal E-mail: Home phone, (593-2) 2827-770 Cell phone, 094-792489

Telefax PMM-Ecuador, (593-2) 2261-661. PO Box, 17-17-987, Quito - Ecuador.

Presentation Letter 2005

Presentation Letter 2005
Orellana Family, Missionaries to Ecuador and Latin America

Greetings from Quito-Ecuador, in the middle of the World!

We are Ecuadorians and grew up in Christian homes all our lives. God called us to the ministry at an early age and we have served Him through the years. Joselito began to pastor churches at the age of 17. Also, we have served as professors in the Ecuadorian Baptist Theological Seminary since 1991 until today. Joselito has been the leader of the Ecuadorian Baptist Convention in the area of Theological Education for the last ten consecutive years. He has also served as Chaplain at the Voice of the Andes Christian Hospital of HCJB World Radio (WRMF) for 12 years, until May 2003.

Beginning 2003 we stepped out in faith to become missionaries with Palm Missionary Ministries Inc. We serve full time in a pastoral training ministry at both formal and informal training settings in our country. Joselito is currently the Rector of the Ecuadorian Baptist Theological Seminary, an itinerant preacher, associate pastor at University Baptist Church, and member of the Board of Directors of Palm Missionary Ministries in Ecuador.

Our basic areas of ministry are: Theological Education, Pastoral Training, Pastoral Ministries, Leadership Development, Preaching, Pastoral Counseling, Literature, and Christian Education for Children.

Anita and I have been married for ten years (February 24/95) and we have three daughters: Genesis Alondra (March 21/98), Orquidea Galilea (September 28/00), and Ana Belen (September 30/04).

Our basic vision in the grace and blessing of the Lord is:
* To see every Baptist Church in Ecuador with a prepared leader guiding them.
* To see the Seminary become a Baptist University to train more young people.
* To write books, sermons, articles, and conferences.
* To travel through Ecuador and Latin American offering conferences for pastors and leaders.
* To see our daughters growing in the grace of the Lord Jesus and serving in the Kingdom of God.

The International Mission Board of the SBC, in survey taken in our country determined that less than 20% of the leaders and pastors have theological preparation. 80% of the pastors and leaders have not had the opportunity to adequately prepare themselves for ministry. We believe that we are responsible to prepare as many leaders as we are planting churches in Ecuador.

We come to you through this letter in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. We humbly pray that you would consider cooperation in this ministry. Would you prayerfully consider financially supporting our ministry and family? Right now we have only raised 25% of our required economic support.

Please help us to sow the Kingdom of the Lord from the middle of the world, throughout Latin America and the world. Thank you very much for praying for us and supporting us in this pilgrimage of service for which we are burdened everyday.

In the blessed communion of the Lord Jesus our Savior,

Joselito & Anita Orellana
Personal email:
Home phone (593-2) 282-7770
Cell phone 094792489

Galatians 2:20

Moses, A Model of God's Servant

Moses, A Model of God's Servant
Numbers 12


Moses is the most important leader of the people of God in the Old Testament. He is an example for us of servant and leader of God. Our Lord needs, principally, servants in his Kingdom. Moses doesn't search to be a leader, God was calling him. In this incident with his brothers, it is evidence three characteristics very important and necessaries for us today, if really we want to show the glory of God into the world.

I. Humble, v. 3
A. "Now Moses was a very humble man, more humble than anyone else on the face of the earth"
B. It is the quality number one in the servant's life. It is the base of the ministry and the Christian life.
C. The Lord Jesus said: "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls" Mt 11:29
D. We need to learn to be humble of heart, because it is not our human nature.
E. The humble person's fruit is to be tolerant with all people. This was necessary in the pilgrimage at the desert of the people of God.

II. Faithful, v. 7
A. "But this is not true of my servant Moses; he is faithful in all my house" Cf., He 3:2; "He (Jesus) was faithful to the one who appointed him, just as Moses was faithful in all God's house." This declaration is from God, is not human interpretation!!! That's very important.
B. "Moses was faithful as a servant in all God's house, testifying to what would be said in the future" He. 3:5.
C. He is the hero of the Christian faith in the New Testament, He 11:23-28. Revelation talks about of Moses as "the servant of God" 15:3b.
D. As result, the faithful is the life way of a humble heart.
E. The admonition of God for his Church forever is: "Be faithful, even to the point of death, and I will give you the crown of life" Rev. 2:10c.

III. Mercy, v. 13
A. "So Moses cried out to the Lord, O God, please heal her!"
B. Moses never judged to his sister Mary and his brother Aaron. He had compassion. Also, we have that to show the compassion of Jesus too.
C. God is the great judge. "Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom, because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!" Jam. 2:12-13. In this case the mercy is the primary attitude.
D. Mercy is evidence and consequence of a humble and faithful heart.
E. The true servant of God knows that the only one Lord is Jesus Christ.

Conclusion & Application

God needs servants. But is clear what is his expectative for this calling. Moses is a leader's profile in the mind of God. In this time many people want to be a leader very important, but the God's paradigm is to inverse (Cf., Luke 9:45-48 & 9:51-56). We need to make a decision now: Lord Jesus, I want to be a servant that you want in this world.

The Salvation of God

The Salvation of God
Titus 2:11-14


The salvation of God in Christ is the most special gift for us. It is the most important topic for God in His Word (the Bible). The salvation by personal faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, as Lord and Savior is the heart of the message of God. But, do you know what salvation means to the believer in Christ? Paul tells us the salvation has three important characteristics. "For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us" (v. 11) What is the Salvation?

I. Salvation is to Renounce your sins (v. 12a)
A. No to ungodliness. No to impiety.
B. No to worldly passions. No to carnality and worldliness.
C. No to my self will. Jesus is the King and Lord (Rev. 19:16)
D. No to my worldly old life. We have a new model of living.
E. "Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world" Rom. 12:2a
F. The emphasis of this dimension is in the Past tense

II. Salvation is Living Self controlled (v. 12b)
A. Sober. Life controlled by the Holy Spirit (Ga. 5:22)
B. Justice. Life balanced by the Holy Scripture (2 Tim. 3:16)
C. Piety. Lives submitted to God in faith and obedience. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of the knowledge, wisdom and discipline (Pr. 1:7) Be sure to fear the Lord and serve Him faithfully with all our heart (1 Sam. 12:24)
D. We have a new life in Jesus Christ. We are a new creation in Him (2 Co. 5:17); our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Co. 6:19).
E. We need to live the Kingdom of God with a sense of urgency, here and now.
F. The emphasis of this dimension is in the Present tense

III. Salvation is Hope (v. 13)
A. The Blessed hope. "Blessed is the one who reads the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it, because the time is near" (Rev. 1:3) B. The Glorious hope. Jesus is coming again as King of Kings (Rev. 19:11ss)
C. "I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us" (Rom. 8:18)
D. The Certain hope. Jesus says: "Yes, I am coming soon" (Rev. 22:20)
E. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit" (Rom 15:13)
F. The emphasis of this dimension is in the Future tense

Conclusion & Application

As believers, we need to more fully appreciate the salvation of God. Jesus is coming again. " who gave himself for us to redeem us from all wickedness and to purify for Himself a people that are His very own, eager to do what is good" (v. 14)
The basic trilogy for us today is: Renouncing sin, living in self control and embracing hope. Forgiving the past, and living the grace of the Lord now, and waiting the second coming our Lord Jesus Christ, every day. Praise the Lord. We need to celebrate and enjoy the glorious salvation of God. Amen!

The Mission of the Church

The Mission of the Church
Acts 1:8


God's mission was the most important topic for our Lord Jesus. The church lives between eschatological tension: now and not yet. The mission is the heart and passion of the Christ's Church. What is the mission of the church today and forever? Acts 1:8 is the key verse in the book of Acts. It is the historic schedule in the development of the church. I find three important questions in this strategic passage of the New Testament:

1. The Request of the Mission (v. 8a)
a. The presence and power (Gr, dunamis) of the Holy Spirit.
b. The mission is the historic project of God. Is not the man. It is not man's doing.
c. What is the nature of the Church? = Sinner's congregation. Martin Luther said: "The face of the church, is the face of the sinners"
d. The agent of the mission of God is the Holy Spirit.
e. The resource of the mission is Christ's Church.
f. The big problem today is the teaching: Holy Spirit is resource of the Church for the mission. This isn't right. The right is vice versa.

2. The Contents of the Mission (v. 8b)
a. To be a witness (Gr, martur). It is imperative, not an option.
b. The believer needs to be prepared to die for Jesus Christ, if necessary.
c. What does it mean to witness for Jesus Christ? To show the Gospel in my flesh and my bone. It is not only words.
d. To be a witness, means to live fallowing Jesus Christ every day, until the end of my life.
e. CrÌstico event: His Person, his job, his Gospel, his Sacrifice at the Cross of Calvary for us, his resurrection and second coming.
f. In other words: His Life in my life, here and now.

3. The Reach of the Mission (v. 8c)
a. The ends of the earth (Gr, eskaton). Starting in my own family, community, town, country, etc.
b. Immanent and transcendent. To begin in my heart, and end in eternity.
c. Today, the one - third of the world doesn't know about Jesus Christ and his Gospel. This is our responsibility.
d. The Islam is growing quickly, more than Christianity. This is very sad.
e. Jesus is waiting for us. He needs us. Latin America is the future of missions. Now, we are the senders of missionaries to the world: Praying, giving, and going.
f. We need to preach the abundant life around the world. No fear (28:31)

Conclusion & Application

We need to recover our responsibility in the mission. We are the people of God (1 Peter, 2:9-10). Who will go? This is the most important question for you and for me, right now. You need to make a decision today. Do you want to walk under the power of the Holy Spirit? Do you want to be a truth witness of Jesus? Do you want to go to the unreached? If you want to make this decision, I want to pray for you. Praise the Lord. Amen.

Contacting & Supporting Joselito Orellana

If you would like to contact Joselito, please refer to the following information:

Email: -or-
Home phone: (593-2) 2827-770
Cell phone: 094-792489
Joselito Orellana
PO Box, 17-17-987

Or you can call Palm Missionary Ministries at (305) 665-0903 Fax: (305) 665-0859

If you would like to financially support Joselito, please refer to the following information:

Contributions should be sent to Palm Missionary Ministries with a note stating that the gift is for the Orellana family.

The address for sending contributions is:

Palm Missionary Ministries, Inc.
1315 Campo Sano Avenue
Coral Gables, FL 33146-1165
Thank you for praying and supporting Joselito and his ministry in Ecuador!


Palm Missionary Ministries, Inc. exists primarily to enable and facilitate the development of national missionaries and workers to go into all nations, make disciples and establish them either into existing local evangelical congregations or newly organized churches established according to the PMM Doctrinal Statement in belief, and standards of ethics in operation.

PMM Statement of Faith:

Palm Missionary Ministries, Inc., is an evangelical organization committed to teach and defend the historic and basic doctrines of evangelical Christianity, more specifically:

The verbal inspiration of the Holy Scriptures as originally given;

The existence and manifestation of One God in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit;

The Incarnation and virgin birth of the Son of God;

Also, the redemption of man by the vicarious death of Christ on the cross, the bodily resurrection from the grave, and His ascension to the Right Hand of God where He intercedes for those who genuinely believe and trust in Him;

Also, the fact that all men have sinned and consequently must be regenerated by the working of God’s grace;

The fact of justification by faith and the sanctifying work of the Holy Spirit in the believer producing holiness of life and power for service;

And, the purifying hope of the Lord’s imminent return and the urgency of preaching the Gospel to all mankind that man may be saved from eternal judgement.

PMM Specific Statement:

PMM will accomplish the General Statement through the establishment of PMM Affiliate Organizations (AO) in countries as led by the Lord (i.e., Palm Ecuador), and by cooperating with other missions and national ministries to recruit workers, facilitate their training, and place them in areas of ministry as called by God.

Additionally, PMM will assist workers (or ministries) to form a team of partners from both the worker's country and the States that will help accomplish the goals of the given ministry. The team of partners will assist in the field at times, provide prayer support and share in the financial costs of the workers' ministries until such a time there is developed a local base of equivalent support.

The worker will begin developing his/her local base by formulating and employing a strategy to teach biblical stewardship in their country of residence and ministry. PMM will provide the administrative mechanism needed to assure that doctrinal and financial accountability and integrity of the individual's ministry are always maintained.

Contact Information:

1702 Parks Lake Road
Lake Wales. FL.33898-8430

1315 Campo Sano Avenue
Coral Gables, FL 33146-1165

Ministerios Palm: Diguja 384 y Av. América
Casilla 17-17-987
Quito, Ecuador

PMM is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).

Orellana Family

Joselito & His Youngest Daughter

Senders- Our Supply Line

Our whole heart is to serve the Lord. He has called us to be missionaries to our own people here in Ecuador, but we need you on His team with us to make it possible. Our ministry is totally "faith-based" meaning that we are responsible for raising our own support. We would ask you to please:

1. Pray about whether God wants you to be a part of this ministry team as a sender--as a committed, regular prayer partner... even as a monetary support partner.

2. If God speaks to your heart about being a monetary partner, pray about how much, and when to start. If you are committing to be a prayer partner, PRAY FOR US REGULARLY! Specifically for support raising, general preparation, and continued good health.

3. Contact us by email, phone, or send your contribution in to Palm Missionary Ministries Inc. The address, phone numbers, and email are listed below. 100% of your tax-deductible donations go directly to our ministry!

The Work in Ecuador

God has brought us to a place of service using our gifts... Anita is using her ability in Christian Education (part time); I am using my gifts of encouragement, counseling, preaching and teaching. I am President of the Ecuadorian Baptist Theological Seminary (Ecuadorian Baptist Convention), and Vice president & Legal Representative of PMM Inc in Ecuador. I am teaching, training, equipping, and discipling Ecuadorian churches & leaders who have a heart for reaching the unreached and outlying population with the gospel. We are also working with University Baptist Church in Quito as an associate pastor, and will soon be hosting short term mission teams! Also I am national counselor of Ecuadorian Baptist Young People. Currently I'm helping as mentor of Theology graduate projects at Latin American Christian University. How exciting to live out the New Testament!

Missionary Prayer Letter, May 2005


"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me"


Belen saw her first word: papa (daddy). It was a nice experience for us to listen for first time this sweet word. We are very excited and we give thanks to our Lord for her life. God provided medical and dental care for our daughters.

Anita is fine but little tired because she is helping to my sister Lourdes in her healthís crisis. Lourdes is receiving medical treatment for her Payne now. She says: "Thank you so much for your prayers for me and my family. See you soon (or late) in the Heaven, because the death is victory in Christ. I donít have fear; my Lord Jesus is going with me! But, Iím very sad for my kids, pray for them please" Amen..!

CHURCHES & UBC (Home Church)

Joselito visited New Life Baptist Church in Toachi, with the purpose to plan the coming of a ministry group from Kentucky, because we are going to work with them, and another churches around, in June.
Joselito preached in our home church in the Motherís Day about Ephesians 6:4.
We got ten bunk beds as donation for the pastoral training ministry in our UBC.
Joselito shared the second conference about Biblical Hermeneutics (5 hours) in Candelaria Baptist Church, and then helped on evangelistic campaign in Seven Stop Baptist Church (indigenous church)


Anita & I participated in the national congress for Baptist pastors. In this opportunity we finished the conversations with leaders of the Convention and Association, about the details of the agreement among them. The plan is walking very good! In May 27 we celebrated a special service, with the presence of the Conventionís Board, to start officially the academic activities in Quito.


We are in the process of update our Ecuadorís Board legally in front of the government. We are taking many decisions around of our economic situation, because is very bad. Pray for Godís wisdom for us in this purpose. Donít forget please to pray for our boss (Major Board in USA) Art Patray and his wife Barbara.


Joselito was invited for the Publishing Baptist House from El Paso-Texas, for to write the Lukeís Commentary in Spanish. He accepted this task with humble. He needs to finish this work in May 2006. This is a wonderful opportunity to catch an old dream and to bless the Hispanic People of God. He is very excited and worried for this!! Pray for this big and new project, please. Praise the Lord!


Please pray for our next work team in June from Louisville, KY-USA.
Also, pray for the importation of the CCBP's books. We need to find the best way.
We are going to train finish the construction of our house, in the next months.
Pray for our country, because we need to return to a peace politic situation.

"The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

Thanks you so much, for your prayers and support for us. God bless you All.

Missionary Prayer Letter, April 2005


"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me"


Joselito celebrated his happy birthday with many emotions, gifts, and nice friends and partners in the missionary ministry. It is necessary to say, thank you so much to our friend David Sills and his work team, for this special time together. We are very excited because we are not alone in the life and the ministry. We have a big family around of the world!


Joselito shared the first course of pastoral training in Candelaria Baptist Church, about Biblical Hermeneutics. Attended forty pastors and leadership of indigenous churches.
The first week of April, We received the visit a working visitors from Louisville Kentucky of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Five teachers sharing classes of Homiletics in the Gospels, Hermeneutics, and Bible study in Genesis, and Systematic Theology. The leader of this group was my big friend and partner Dr. David Sills, PhD. Attended seventeen pastors and leaders of nine churches of the country side. With this special week, we started our Pastoral Training School in our home church (UBC). It was a nice experience for to teach every day (eight hours) and to celebrate the glory of God every night with preaching, singing, praising and fellowship.
Joselito shared a Sunday school class in Saint Joseph Baptist Church, with the purpose of to introduce the LifeWay's materials and then preached in the service.


I need to give thanks to our Deacons, teachers and students in all country. I received a last report and the news is very encouragement. We continue operating with blessings in the coast. In Quito it was signed the agreement between the National Convention and Local Association.


We continue praying for our boss Art Patray and his wife Barbara. She is little better but her medical condition is very critic. Pray for them please!


I want to give thanks to my big friend Ralph Kurtenbach, because he is my editor in English. Thank you Ralph, I appreciate your help. Ralph and his wife Katy are missionaries with World Radio Missionary Fellowship (HCJB), working in Quito since 1992. Ralph is now the public relationship of his mission for Latin America.


We give thanks for a special donation of a washer machine and refrigerator. That's very necessary for us in our home. Praise the Lord for this opportune blessing!
Also we give thanks for Christian books donated for my partner Douglas & Diane Paratore. They returned to their country, after of their missionary job with us.
Thank for your prayers for my sister Lourdes. She is waiting for her life!! She is very bad. She has many payne in her body and is crying everyday. We are very sad!

"The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

Thanks you so much, for your prayers and support for us. God bless you All.

Missionary Prayer Letter, March 2005


"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me"


We celebrated Genesis's 7th birthday on March 21st. She was very glad for this experience. She had a nice time with her cousins in our house. We praise the Lord for her life.
Our daughters had evaluations at their school and they did well. Belen is learning very quickly about the world around us. Anita is sharing conferences every Saturday afternoon with the Women's Society of our home church. So in this time I need to care for my daughters, especially Belen. Galilee is ok and enjoying her studies. She is an excellent student. We are very proud of her.


The third week in March, we received a visit from working visitors from Tishomingo Chapel Baptist Church in Corinth MS. This church is working as "sister" of San Jose Alto Baptist Church. Joselito preached at special service with ten indigenous churches at this time. You can see this sermon on our web site.
We celebrated Holy Week in our home church, with a special service. Joselito preached about Word Number 8: "Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; He has risen!" (It is very common to preach on the "Seven Words of Cross" during Holy Week.)
Also we had a "prayer vigil " on the Friday prior to Good Friday and it was a good experience for all in our church. That night we were singing, praying for each other, studying the Bible, talking about our lives and sharing testimonies.


We are going to start informal theological conferences in Quito, with the purpose of introducing new programs. The goal is to reach all Baptist pastors in our city. The first topic will be about Hermeneutics.


Pray for the wife of our boss in USA, Sister Barbara. She is very sick. Her husband, Brother Art Patray, is waiting in the grace of the Lord and enjoying the Lord's peace.


Joselito is helping his sister, Lourdes, by bringing medical care, because her husband is working in the countryside. Please continue praying for Lourdes. She is stable now. She is sleeping, eating and resting better. But, she has infection right now, and the doctors told us, that she needs special and urgent treatment for this disease.
We had a special workshop with leaders (Brother Donald Rhody, Regional Director to Latin America) from the Bible Training Center for Pastors Inc. because we will use theirs materials in our job of pastoral training in the countryside.


We need to increase our support. Please make this a priority prayer request.
For our next work team from Louisville Ky, in April (first week)
Pray for pastor Pedro Vasquez, he is very sick. He is my contact and my partner with my indigenous ministry. Pray for him and for his wife Anita too.

"The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

Thanks you so much, for your prayers and support for us. God bless you All.

Missionary Prayer Letter, February 2005


"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me"


Anita & I celebrated our 10th marriage anniversary. "Marriage should be honored by all, and the marriage bed kept pure" (He 13:4a). Praise the Lord for our family!
Anita's Women's Club is ok, and enjoying the grace and provision of our Lord.
This month was very difficult emotionally for us, because we are very sad for the health situation of my sister Lourdes. She has many pains in her right leg and many health problems right now. She is 44 years old, and has two kids: Michelle (11) and Andrew (9) The Doctor said she is a terminal patient. We are so sad! Pray please for her husband Edgar, because he is a good person but is not believer in Christ. You can see an update of this situation at our web site.


We visited the Baptist church in Toachi. They are very glad for their construction and very excited for the eventual opportunity of another work team this year to finish the project. They have 1,000 USD in funds. Pray for this please.
Also I went with my family, to Mindo to visit our pastors and leadership, to preach, to encourage and to plan the next workshop of pastoral training in Quito (First week on April), with visiting professors from the USA (SBTS-KT) & Me.
We had a special work meeting for strategic plans, with our pastoral and administrative board of our home church (UBC). It was a nice opportunity for sharing our ministry dreams. Joselito preached on the last Sunday of this month. You can see this sermon (English version) at our own web site.


We are starting the process of transition. We are doing an economic & academic abstract. We have many needs. Our budget is in the red now. Unfortunately our Christian people don't have a concept of supporting theological education.


We had various work meetings with the purpose of reviewing documents, agreements, pastoral counseling, new missionaries, etc. Pray for the office in Ecuador.


Joselito is helping since this month as a tutor in various theological graduate projects at the Latin American Christian University. It is a nice opportunity to serve the Lord Jesus in the development of His Church.


We give thanks for a used laptop. We received it as a donation from missionary friends (Douglas & Diane Paratore). Praise the Lord!
Pray for my English. I lost my English class because my time is crazy. I'm learning English by myself, and with the help of my missionary friends. Unfortunately I don't have the special gift for this, but I need to improve my English because it is necessary for my ministry.
We give thanks for our family. Our only goal is to serve the Lord Jesus, forever!

"The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

Thanks you so much, for your prayers and support for us. God bless you all.

Missionary Prayer Letter, January 2005


"But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons" Gal. 4:4-5. NIV


We have many goals this year -- new ministry projects, for example. Our time at the beach with Anita's family was a beautiful experience. Our daughters are doing very well in their studies and their growth. Belen is sleeping better every night. Praise the Lord! This month was very busy for us, but very interesting and with great expectations.
Wonderful news: Genesis made her decision for Jesus Christ as her Lord and personal Savior. Praise the Lord. Please pray for her growth in the Christian faith.
Joselito was re-elected as Associate Pastor at the University Baptist Church.


Joselito presented the Missions School project at University Baptist Church. You can see the profile of this elementary program (in Spanish version) on our web site.
Work Team, from Corinth, MS-US at Toachi (January 16-21), for building construction daily and spiritual support every night. Also, we visited five indigenous churches in this area. It was a good experience for fellowship and to work together for the glory of God.
We gave Bible maps and Bible study material to indigenous churches in special New Year's ceremony. Also, Joselito shared a conference about Pastoral Ethics and many exercises in use of the pastoral library.
Anita began to work with the Women's Society of our home church. She also will help with new project for children at our home church.
Joselito & Anita shared a special class for Sunday school teachers of Candelaria's churches. Other teachers of our home church came with us.
Also, Joselito participated in pastor's ordination and church's organization of San José Alto.


An agreement was signed between Ecuadorian Baptist Convention and Pichincha Baptist Association to operate the Seminary headquarters in Quito. Now, we have a very demanding work schedule. The fruits are very good now. Praise the Lord.


We had various work meetings. Pray for our field missionaries and for us, because it's not easy. We need to always remember that the Lord Jesus is going with us.


We stopped the construction of our house, because we don't have more money for this just now. Pray for God's provision of funds, please. But we are very glad with the new rooms.


A pickup or jeep, used (four while drive) for our ministry in the mountains, because we have many invitations and opportunities to carry the Gospel, and pastoral training into difficult places.
A laptop & projector, for my presentations, class, conferences and messages. This tool is very necessary and urgent for our job.
And for spiritual support. The devil is very angry with us. We were suffering his hard attacks the last month.

"Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, Abba, Father"
Gal. 4:6 NIV

Thanks you very much, for your help, prayers and support for us. God bless you all.