Warm regards to all our bosses, donors, partners, and colleagues from PMM Inc., Praise God! Despite all the cruelty of this pandemic, we are well, and enjoying the peace and grace of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Our daughters have continued to study virtually without novelty, and the Lord has provided for each of our needs. Anita is in good health, and Joselito struggling with some chronic health issues.
Since February 2020, our entire ministry schedule was disrupted, and we had to improvise many urgent activities and communications because of the pandemic. We have worked using the virtual platforms, although that's completely impersonal, and contrasts with the personalized essence of our ministry, which is teaching, consulting and mentoring.
1. We continue to cooperate with the leadership and administration in the Board of Directors of
PALM Ecuador (Anita: secretary; Joselito: spokesperson) 2. We continue to support the ministry of HCJB Radio, through interviews and programs like: At home; Pastoral Notes; Family Life Today; Forum Latin American, Newscasts, etc.
3. Offering ministerial seminars on: Theology; Bible; Education; Bioethics; Ministry; Marriage & Family, in various cities / countries of Ecuador, and the USA, through various virtual platforms.
4.Ecclesial and para-ecclesial ministry in Ecuador and other countries: Canaan Baptist Church of NY-USA (and its affiliates); King of Life Baptist Church of Santo Domingo; Bet-Edén Baptist Church of Pedro Vicente Maldonado; University Baptist Church, of Quito; Morada de Dios Baptist Church of Lima, Peru; Association of Baptist Churches of Chiclayo , Peru; Baptist Women’s Union of Pichincha and Guayas; Ecuadorian Baptist Convention; Baptist Theological Seminary from Ecuador; Reaching & Teaching Foundation Ecuador; and, Evangelical Missionary Union of the Ecuador (UME)
5. Teaching intensive theological courses on Theology; Bible; Bioethics and Pastoral Ministry, eventually, in various theological entities, in Ecuador, Cuba, Chile, and USA, via online.
6. Marriage-family counseling and therapy; pastoral mentoring of senior leadership; and other crisis situations in leadership; to ministers from Alabama USA, and Europe (Spain, Italy, and Germany).
7. Support to Bibles Intl., In the form of consultations, and various projects and programs, such as theological education, and pastoral training.
8. Support for Hospital Vozandes Quito (HVQ) providing guidance in the field of Bioethics for the hospital’s Chaplaincy Diploma Program.
1. Anita continued with her international ministry online (Ecuador, Chile and USA) as a Speaker and therapist for Women, and as a Consultant of Christian education for children.
2.Génesis completed her academic program and graduated as a Clinical Psychologist (PUCE).
3.Galilea is already in the sixth semester of PUCE, (Biology).
4.Belén is finishing her junior year of Baccalaureate in the UEMCS.
5. Michelle concluded her one year of Dentistry service in a rural area in the Ecuadorian Amazon. This is legally mandatory in Ecuador in order to be a licensed dentist.
6.Joselito finished writing his new book explaining Judas; an exposition of false apostles and teachers. We pray for financial resources for its publication.
1. Graduation of new hospital Chaplains, the result of the training program of the HVQ in Integral Chaplaincy, where Joselito taught Bioethics I and II.
2. Joselito finished writing his new book: The Letter of Judas: False Apostles & Prophets.
3. Thousands of people listened to the biblical exposition and preaching of the gospel in some countries of America and even Europe, thanks to the virtual technology, radio ministry and our books.
4. Dozens of ministers (leaders, pastors, missionaries and deacons) mentored, via online, in several countries such as: Ecuador; Bolivia; Colombia; Peru; Cuba; Chile; Mexico; Germany; Spain; Italy; and USA.
5. Hundreds of students of Theology, Ministry and Christian Education, from various countries, have been trained thanks to our ministry of virtual theological education.
1. Expand our international ministry, and process invitations for mission trips, to countries like: Mexico, Spain and Argentina.
2. Advance our ministry to other partner congregations, Hispanic and Anglo-Saxon communities from TX, KY, and FL, in the USA.
3. Publish in Ecuador or USA my new book on the letter of Judas; and, the second edition of my book Healthy Marriages & Families.
4. Consolidate our Radio ministry in HCJB, and maybe a program of your own monthly.
5. Advance to other cities in Ecuador, with our Marriage Congresses, and Intensive Courses for Theological studies, in order to better prepare the Lord's Workers from an inter- denominational evangelical conservative perspective.
6. Publish in the USA with LifeWay, B&H, or again with Editorial Mundo Hispano (CBP).
• Miami Expolit Congress, in May 2021.
• Colorado (Reach Beyond celebration), in July - August 2021.
• New York City and New Jersey, in October 2021.
1.Gratitude by graduation of Genesis as a Clinical Psychologist, for the PUCE (March 2021).2. For the physical health especially of Anita and Joselito.
3. For the provision of economic funds for: Ministry; Retirement; and, University.
4 Economic funds for the education of Genesis.
5 Economic funds for Mishelle’s education.
6. For the production and publication of our new books in Ecuador or USA.
7. For protection, wisdom and resources for missionary trips abroad.
8. Divine direction and provision in the elaboration of our missionary agenda 2021. We lost almost 40% of our income.
Thank you very much for your attention, prayers and support of our ministry.
In the love of the Lord Jesus, Joselito & Anita Orellana.; cell, 0983388447. Acts 20:24
Donations to the Orellana family, please, can be mailed: Mr. David Geiger (projects manager) PALM Missionary Ministries, 203 Long Lake Road, Hawthorne, FL 32640.
Website Donations both one-time or reoccurring can be made at: Financial manager Bill Quesenberry phone: 305-733-0091.
Or using PayPal through PMM web site: