My photo
Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
I´m baptist missionary by faith with PMM Inc.,USA I'm married and with my wife Anita have four marvelous daughters. Our principal ministry is theological education. My passion is write, preach & teach about my Lord Jesus, around my country Ecuador, and Latin America. Dr. Joselito Orellana. DMin. PhD. Born in Ecuador, in Piñas City, province of El Oro Living in Quito, since 1985. Baptist Pastor's 18 years old. It missionary for Latin America Palm Missionary Ministries Inc, USA. It is involved in the ministries of higher theological teaching, pastoral training, church ministry, family counseling, literature, bioethics, and educational administration. Master's degrees (Colombia, Ecuador and Spain): Bible; Theology; Educative Management; and, Bioethics. Doctor of Ministry in Theology (DMin.) and Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (PhD) awarded by Vision International University, from Miami, FL-USA.

Monday, April 27, 2020

MPL from April 2020


“JESUS says, Yes, I am coming soon Rev. 22:20

Follow us at: Facebook; and, our Blog
Teaching, publishing, & counseling


We celebrated the birthday of Joselito (April 7/’65); 55 years old, and more than 35 years serving to my Lord Jesus, full time, because I started very young at the ministry. I was born in Christian Baptist family. Praise to my Lord Jesus.
We had insulated season for thirty days more in April. It was very hard situation for us. All our ministry schedule it was broken. Also, our missionary budget too, because part of our financial support is coming for my teachings and selling books. In the other side, our daughters are fine, studying by online from our home. Mishelle continue serving at the jungle. Please, continue keeping us in your prayers and financial provision. Thank you so much for your lovely care and supporting at:

Mr. David Geiger (projects manager); PALM Missionary Ministry. P.O. Box 1971; Melrose, FL 32666-1971. Email of our financial manager: Or using PayPal through PMM web.


More at Facebook & our Blog
·       Continue preaching and teaching on Philippians NT book by online way from my office, every Sunday service to the University Baptist Church, and their filial, including preaching by video to special service of Good Friday holiday (Eastern week celebration).
·       Teaching at HCJB Radio interview by Zoom live, explaining Mathew 11:27-30. Also I recorded another interview to Pastoral Issues program.
·       Preaching by Zoom live: The Seven Words from the Cross, to the House of God Baptist Church, from Lima - Peru.
·       Supporting few families from several countries, like Peru, USA, Spain, Bolivia, Cuba, Chile and Germany (by online) with therapy (Anita); and pastoral and biblical counseling (Joselito).


·       Thousands of people reached by online Sunday service preaching’s, bible studies, counseling, and radio programs.
·       “Aymara” (Cuban believer living in Ecuador) wrote: “God bless you and keep. I want to give many thanks to our Lord for your life and ministry; for your teachings during these very hard weeks; for yours enforce to share daily your devotionals with the people of God. Thank you for renew us the joy, the right attitude and line up to God peace. May God going using your spiritual gifts to the extension of His Job. (…) Thank you so much for your daily devotions time, and the bible study today. Thank you so much again. I am very fascinated, and continue growing your ministry”.  We received few messages like this.


·       I am enduring my researching and writing one of my books about Biblical Thanatology.
·       Our adoptive daughter Mishelle continue serving at the Ecuadorian Amazonia (jungle), and we are very worried for her, because she needs to stay there tackling this pandemic.
·       For safety & economic provision to our family, and pray specially for Mishelle at the jungle.
·       For our Ministry Fund, please help us URGENTLY to find new donors & partners. Our budget it’s crash.
With love and thankfulness in Christ, Joselito & Anita Orellana  (Act. 20:24)

Friday, April 24, 2020

MPL from March 2020


“JESUS says, Yes, I am coming soon Rev. 22:20
Follow us at: Facebook; and, our Blog
Teaching, publishing, & counseling


Our first daughter Genesis got her 22 birthday. We are very proud about her because she is a wonderful believer, very smart student, and so obedient to us. Pray for her and her University career (Clinical Psychology, 9th semester) The rest of our family is fine, but we ask special prayers for Mishelle because she is working at the jungle like Dentist, and without personal connection with us. Pray for our health during this pandemic season. I am working from my home (telecommuting)
Please, keep us in your prayers and financial provision. Thank you so much for your lovely care and supporting at:
Mr. David Geiger (projects manager); PALM Missionary Ministry. P.O. Box 1971; Melrose, FL 32666-1971. Email of our financial manager:   Or using PayPal through PMM web site.


More at Facebook & our Blog
·       Preaching every Sunday service (based on Philippians) by Facebook live, from my home, to the University Baptist Church Corporation, and another’s churches and countries.
·       Preaching & teaching to the Baptist Mission at Llano Grande (two miles from our home), also sharing the Holy Supper ceremony.
·       HCJB Radio interview, by skype mode from my home, talking about: How to confront the coronavirus pandemic like Christian families.
·       During this isolation season I was preaching & teaching online way, every night; and supporting another ministry in the same way. Very hard time. But so blessed.


·       Many people really, thousands of listeners reported, hearing the gospel of Jesus in Ecuador and another countries across online web, also trough by radio frequencies and online.
·       One of our hearers (Dra. Jenny Bonilla) said: “Excellent preaching, I am encouragement to Joselito to preach by Facebook Live frequently some sermons, like this, because in this way he is going to reach many people, as us that because there is not option for us to go some local church normally, or to go where he is preaching every Sunday



We had a quarantine time in Ecuador, as you know, so it was a terrible experience to work from our home, without connection with the outside, specially for my chronic lung diseases. I need to take many concerns for that.
·       We need to review our annual ministry schedule, and need for that wisdom and discernment.
·       For our safe healthy in front this pandemic challenge, specially for Anita and me.
·       For many changes in our schedule during the first semester for coronavirus issue.
·       For our Ministry Fund, please help us to find new donors & partners. Now It’s so bad.
With love and thankfulness in Christ, Joselito & Anita Orellana  (Act. 20:24)

Monday, April 20, 2020

¡Libro gratis! de Dr. John Piper, acerca del Coronavirus y Cristo
Una excelente, bíblica y pertinente lectura para afrontar como cristianos esta Pandemia que está asolando a la humanidad, pero que sobre todo, desafía a la Iglesia de Cristo para vivir el Reino de Dios y predicar el Evangelio de Jesucristo como respuesta al verdadero coronavirus del ser humano que es el pecado. Espero que lo aproveches.
Con amor en Cristo,
Joselito & Anita Orellana.