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Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
I´m baptist missionary by faith with PMM Inc.,USA I'm married and with my wife Anita have four marvelous daughters. Our principal ministry is theological education. My passion is write, preach & teach about my Lord Jesus, around my country Ecuador, and Latin America. Dr. Joselito Orellana. DMin. PhD. Born in Ecuador, in Piñas City, province of El Oro Living in Quito, since 1985. Baptist Pastor's 18 years old. It missionary for Latin America Palm Missionary Ministries Inc, USA. It is involved in the ministries of higher theological teaching, pastoral training, church ministry, family counseling, literature, bioethics, and educational administration. Master's degrees (Colombia, Ecuador and Spain): Bible; Theology; Educative Management; and, Bioethics. Doctor of Ministry in Theology (DMin.) and Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (PhD) awarded by Vision International University, from Miami, FL-USA.

Saturday, June 11, 2016

From the SBC, USA.

Article Jun 10, 2016 ERLC Logo                 

Baptists and religious liberty

In 1802, Thomas Jefferson wrote, “I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church & State.” These words almost sound hostile to many conservative Christians today. Over the past 70 years, some judges have interpreted the “wall of separation” to mean that we should remove faith from American public life.
It may be perplexing, then, to realize that Jefferson was writing the wall of separation letter to evangelical Baptists in Connecticut. These Baptists totally agreed with the deistic Jefferson on church-state relations. They rejoiced in Jefferson’s election as president in 1800, telling him that “America’s God has raised you up” to lead the nation.
Were these Baptists deluded? Why would they support Jefferson and his “wall of separation”? The reason is that Jefferson and his Baptist allies had a different (and better) concept of church-state separation than many left- or right-wing Americans do today.
Although leaders like Thomas Jefferson and James Madison derived religious freedom from Enlightenment principles of toleration, rank-and-file Baptists learned the value of religious liberty the hard way. They suffered persecution under the state-sponsored, “established” churches of the colonies.
Many other Protestants viewed believer’s baptism, the distinctive practice of the Baptists, as abhorrent, no matter how much the Baptists argued that believer’s baptism was the true biblical mode. (Catholics and most Protestants at the time practiced infant baptism.) Thus, Baptists endured harassment, fines, prohibition against meetings, and even jail time, right up to the eve of the American Revolution.
Massachusetts, a Puritan colony, set the pace in hostility toward the Baptists. The colony outlawed Baptists altogether in 1645, calling them “the troublers of churches in all places.” In Ashfield, Mass., town authorities in 1770 seized the land of Baptists who refused to pay religious taxes to support the local Congregationalist church. Talk about taxation without representation! The Ashfield Baptists actually appealed to King George III for relief, and the king annulled the confiscation of their land.
Is it any wonder, then, that many Baptists in America were not too keen about supporting the American Revolution? It was hard to support a rebellion led by Patriots who had refused to grant Baptists liberty of conscience. Ashfield’s Baptist minister proclaimed that Massachusetts Patriot leaders wanted “liberty from oppression that they might have liberty to oppress!”
Isaac Backus, the great Massachusetts Baptist leader, approached cousins John and Samuel Adams at the Continental Congress in 1774, appealing for relief from oppression. But Samuel scoffed at Backus, insinuating that the Baptists were just “enthusiasts who made a merit of suffering persecution.” John Adams told Backus that he might sooner expect a change in the solar system, than an end to the Massachusetts established church.  
The Baptists also endured terrible persecution in Virginia, with dozens of Baptist ministers put in jail during the decade before the Revolution. But in Jefferson and Madison, the Baptists found Patriot leaders who sympathized with their cause. Baptists suggested that if the persecution continued, Virginia’s leaders should not expect them to support the rebellion against George III. Jefferson and Madison loathed religious intolerance, anyway. They wanted to end the harassment of dissenters, and to stop Virginia’s financial support for the Church of England.
With massive Baptist support, Madison secured the passage of Jefferson’s Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom in 1786. That law enshrined the principle that “no man shall be compelled to frequent or support any religious worship, place, or ministry whatsoever. . . nor shall otherwise suffer, on account of his religious opinions or belief; but that all men shall be free to profess, and by argument to maintain, their opinions in matters of religion.”
Jefferson’s Bill was a critical precedent for the religion clauses of the First Amendment to the Constitution. In light of the persecution of Baptists, it is easier to understand the First Amendment’s prohibition of laws “respecting an establishment of religion.” To the Founders, this clause simply meant that there would be no national established church. Baptists backed the First Amendment’s adoption, since they associated established churches with the denial of religious liberty.
The First Amendment did not originally prohibit state-level establishments of religion. (That interpretation of the amendment did not come until the mid 20th century.) So the New England states, including Massachusetts and Connecticut, kept giving direct support to the Congregationalist Church well into the 1800s. That explains Jefferson’s correspondence with Connecticut’s Danbury Baptist Association in the wall of separation letter. Like the Baptists, Jefferson wished that Connecticut would drop its establishment. But Jefferson took comfort that, at least at the national level, the distinction between denomination and government was clear.
Did this mean that Jefferson wanted a secular public sphere? No, it did not. None of the Founders could have fathomed today’s advocates for rigid secularism. To show that he was not hostile to public displays of religion, Jefferson even hosted a religious service in Congress the Sunday after he sent the “wall of separation” letter. New England Baptist minister John Leland gave the sermon at the service. Secularists today would be dismayed to realize how willing Jefferson was to permit public religious expression, in spite of his personal skepticism about Christianity.
But the Founding era’s Baptists might warn conservative Christians today, too, about the perils of cozy relationships between the government and churches. Historically, close ties between the state and a particular religion have led to persecution of dissenters. The early Baptists might also wince at the way some Republicans today speak as if electing “godly” politicians will result in spiritual revival.
Early America’s Baptists did not expect politicians to do heavy lifting for the church. They just wanted the government to protect religious liberty, so the church could be the church. That is why the Baptists were comfortable working even with deists such as Thomas Jefferson. They were not looking for a national pastor. They did not want government hostility toward churches, but they were also not angling for government favors. Civil authorities, they believed, should simply protect “free exercise of religion” for all. They preferred to depend upon the power of God, rather than government, to accomplish the purposes of the Kingdom.
This was originally published in Light Magazine.

Importante nota desde el Banco Pichincha.

Organice sus finanzas
Establezca límites de gastos personales, los gastos en ropa, diversión y viajes pueden ser controlados. No gaste más de lo que pueda pagar cada mes.
2.-La tarjeta de crédito no debe ser usada para cubrir los vacíos presupuestarios, sino para obtener un beneficio de pago en decisiones de compra previamente planificadas
3.-No compre compulsivamente y sin un presupuesto mensual, pues esto genera el uso excesivo de su tarjeta de crédito  

Friday, June 10, 2016

From ECCU Bank.

All the Financial Wisdom You Need Is in the Bible


May 20, 2016
You may be shocked to learn that most Americans spend more time shopping for a vehicle or planning a vacation than researching the investment choices in their retirement plans. Then again, picking a personal financial advisor doesn’t have to be an onerous task – and neither does getting solid financial planning advice.
If you’re just getting started with financial planning, need a midcourse adjustment or simply want inspiration to continue reaping the financial seeds you’ve been sowing, look no further than the Bible. You’ll find all the financial wisdom you need.
Think of the Bible as your Financial Planning 101 textbook. Many of the financial woes Americans face – crippling debt, retirement nest egg shortfalls, lack of progress toward savings goals – can be addressed by Biblically-based financial lessons.
Here are seven principles to guide you in discovering budgeting breakthroughs, getting out of debt, merging finances with your spouse and building other healthy financial habits.
  1. God Is the Source. Scripture is your invitation to receive God’s blessings, act as a wise financial steward of His riches and build a secure financial future. (1 Chron. 29:11-16). The more than 2,000 verses about money are there for a reason – here’s a summary.
  2. Give to Honor Him. Tithing, or the act of setting aside one-tenth of your income, is a systematic way of giving. (1 Cor. 16:2)
  3. Live within Your Means. By living within margins, you create space for things to happen – something too many Americans can’t do. (Prov. 22:26-27) The average household has $130,922 in debt — $15,762 of it on credit cards, according to NerdWallet.
  4. Make Saving a Priority. Setting aside a percentage of what you earn also is part of stewardship and will allow you to meet planned expenses – buying a car, sending kids to college or retiring comfortably – and unplanned, such as losing a job or facing major medical bills. (2 Cor. 12:14)
  5. Stay out of Debt. The Bible warns about the risks of going into debt. Although some debt enables you to attain goals, such as a student loan or a mortgage, most debt counters what God wants for you. (Deut. 15:6 and Ecc. 5:5)
  6. Be Content. Minimalism is emerging as an antidote for rampant consumerism and busyness. Well before the mantra to "use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without” emerged, Scripture outlined lessons for learning how to find contentment in what we have. (Heb. 13:5)
  7. Write It Down. Whether you take pen to paper, use financial planning software or record everything in a financial app, making – and sticking to – a budget allows you to allocate resources efficiently and build a financial plan. (Luke 14:28-30) You’ll find steps to creating a Biblically based budget here.
Although the Bible offers financial lessons for living year-round, spring is a great time to clean house and get your financial affairs in order. We’ve even prepared this how-to guide to help you. (Good news: No mop required.)

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

From R&TIM

10 Helps for Learning a Language

Post by Dr. David Sills | June 7, 2016 | Topic: Culturality, Missionary Life | Tags: ,

  • Learning a language as an adult, even one that linguists list as an “easy” language, is one of the most difficult things you will ever do. When you are already suffering culture shock, the last thing you want to do is have people tilt their head and look at you like you’re from outer space, or laugh at you, or shake their head and walk away. But learning the language is essential to really know the culture, make close friends, understand the worldview, and profoundly impact the people as you desire. So pray and ask God to help you, and ask others to pray for your language skills.
Learning a language is like digging a well that you and your family – and your hearers – will drink from for the rest of your life. Dig deep and get to clean water by learning it well. Here are ten ways to help you to do so.
  1. Immerse yourself in the language – Yes, you can learn a lot of the language in high school, college, or through self study, but you can never speak the language as the people do without living among them. Your language skills may begin at the “Tarzan” level where you sound a little like a caveman, progress to survival language level where you can ask where the bathroom is and actually understand what they say when they answer you, and then be polished to socially acceptable levels. Living among the people helps you to learn colloquial ways they phrase ideas, use idioms, pronounce words, and even the rhythm of their speech patterns. Live among the people, spend time with them, and interact with them as often as you can.
  1. Learn the grammar and vocabulary – Children grow up in a culture, developing language proficiency, and learning grammar and vocabulary intuitively. As they are corrected along the way, they seek to match the communication styles of their linguistic world. Living among a people is a wonderful way to polish your skills, but you need something to polish. The hard work of learning new grammar rules is even harder when you never learned your own very well, but it is essential to do. Memorizing vocabulary words is necessary so that you can distinguish words in what sounded at first like one long sentence.
  1. Teach someone else – Make it a practice to teach someone else what you learn along the way – whether a roommate, a spouse, a child, or a friend. In a mission context, there are often others learning the same language, and explaining to each other what you are learning each day is a way to teach. It deepens the lessons you learned as you do so, answering questions you might not have thought about before. Accept that you will always be in a fog. You start there, but after a week or two the first lessons seem clear. Unfortunately, the current lesson is not, and you wish you could just go back. As you progress, you will accumulate an increasing mass of “clear” lessons behind you, even though you feel like you don’t understand today’s lesson. Encourage yourself by the growing list of lessons behind you that are now clear, and help explain them to those behind you.
  1. Interact with people – Knowing how to read and write the language is a great advantage, but it’s not helpful just to be able to make good grades on the written part of language school if you can’t communicate with others. A helpful key is to learning the language is speaking what you know every day. Interacting with native speakers helps you “hear” how they speak the language. Sitting in a class practicing the language with others from your home country only helps your ears to hear how expatriates speak the new language and teaches your brain that this pronunciation is okay. Rather than do that, you need to learn how people of all ages, education levels, and regions of the country speak their language and interact with them appropriately. Get out there.
  1. Learn a new word every day –Make it your goal to add a new word to your linguistic repertoire before the sun sets every single day. Take a new word each day and learn its meaning, pronunciation, and how it is used in context. Then find opportunities to work it into conversations periodically throughout the day.
  1. Read. Read. – Read the Bible in the language everyday, at least a verse or two. Read the newspaper, a devotional book, even the back of the cereal box, but read something everyday. Look up words you don’t know and keep a log of new words you are learning.
  1. Write it down – Make sure you keep a written record of your new words so that you can review them – and build confidence as the list grows. Write out prayers and get them grammatically correct so you will be able to pray coherently when called upon in church. Write a paragraph or two in your new language in a daily journal. Just as in English, you will soon develop a reading vocabulary that is richer than your speaking vocabulary. This will help you to follow conversations, understand sermons, and read in the language as you encounter words you normally would not have known.
  1. Ask for help – As should be obvious by now, if you want to learn another language, you must slay your pride. Get used to asking people, “What do you call this?” “What is this called?” and “How would you say…?” In this way you will not only be learning to use the language as it should be used in context, you are building relationships with others.
  1. Make a fool of yourself – Nobody wants to be laughed at or be embarrassed, yet this is an unavoidable part of learning a new language. The faster you accept the fact that you’re not going to be at expert level the first week, the faster you will begin to actually speak out loud, and learn to laugh at yourself. Craig Storti says the fastest way to make a fool of yourself is to begin learning another language. Embrace it. The alternative is never to speak out loud so no one will ever snicker at you. You may avoid being embarrassed about your language skills, but you are exchanging temporary embarrassment for long-lasting shame and frustration that you don’t know how to speak the language, and cannot minister as a missionary in the culture to which God has called you.
  1. Make friends – We are rarely impacted profoundly or influenced positively by total strangers, even if our relationship with them is merely through mass media. We need language skills to build relationships and the relationships help us to learn the language. The best way to learn the language is to learn the culture and the best way to learn the culture is to learn the language. Making new friends and building relationships with others is the best way to learn the culture and language. These all go together. Learn the language, learn the culture, make friends, and keep that cycle going.

Dr. David Sills

Dr. David Sills is the founder and president of Reaching & Teaching International Ministries, a missions professor at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, speaker, and author.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

De parte de un amigo y compañero de ministerio, muy especial para nosotros. Pr. JAIME SIMÁN.

Hola. Uno de mis mejores amigo y mentores, me escribió esto hace poquito, en vista de algunas transiciones de ministerio que estamos efectuando. Me da gusto compartirlo con ustedes:
Dios te fortalezca, refresque, bendiga, prospere, guíe y guarde en su gracia, paz y amor, a ti y a tu familia, mi querido hermano Joselito, en tu jornada y peregrinaje en este mundo mientras sirven a nuestro gran Señor y Redentor Jesucristo. Un abrazo. - Jaime Siman
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