My photo
Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
I´m baptist missionary by faith with PMM Inc.,USA I'm married and with my wife Anita have four marvelous daughters. Our principal ministry is theological education. My passion is write, preach & teach about my Lord Jesus, around my country Ecuador, and Latin America. Dr. Joselito Orellana. DMin. PhD. Born in Ecuador, in Piñas City, province of El Oro Living in Quito, since 1985. Baptist Pastor's 18 years old. It missionary for Latin America Palm Missionary Ministries Inc, USA. It is involved in the ministries of higher theological teaching, pastoral training, church ministry, family counseling, literature, bioethics, and educational administration. Master's degrees (Colombia, Ecuador and Spain): Bible; Theology; Educative Management; and, Bioethics. Doctor of Ministry in Theology (DMin.) and Doctor of Philosophy in Theology (PhD) awarded by Vision International University, from Miami, FL-USA.

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

From Dr. Luis Palau.

One of God’s commands is “Be holy because I am holy.” This reminds me of a Scottish preacher, Robert Murray McCheyne. He was so godly and holy and pure that eve...n big tough Scottish men would start crying just looking at him in the pulpit. McCheyne wrote a letter to a fellow Christian saying, “According to your holiness, so shall be your success. A holy man is an awesome weapon in the hand of God.” Holy men and women can do amazing things with God’s power.

5 Reasons for Missionaries to Read Missionary Biographies

Old books

  • As I teach on how to know God’s will for your life, the aspects that I encourage people to consider are not simply ‘easy steps to know God’s will.’ Rather they are more like ingredients in a cake – all are important. They are all to be included, and are all biblical. No one of them should be disregarded as unimportant. I have written on this process at length in The Missionary Call, and have blogged about the “Eight Essential Components for Discerning God’s Will.” They are:
  1. Know God
  2. Know God’s Word
  3. Prayer
  4. Counsel
  5. Life Experiences
  6. Circumstances
  7. Timing
  8. Desires
In this post, I want to develop an aspect of seeking counsel that is often reduced merely to asking advice from friends.
We generally consider seeking counsel to be approaching the “grey-beards” in our lives, those who are older, who walk closely with God, who have made wise decisions in their own lives, and asking them their thoughts on a matter.  This is crucial to do, and I always strongly encourage people to take advantage of this resource as these dear saints are a grace gift from God to each of us. They have watched us grow in our Christian life and witnessed the times when we ran ahead of God or lagged behind His leadership. It is such a blessing to be able to lay our dilemma before one who knows and loves and us and seek their counsel.
Yet, counsel also comes from even older saints as well.
I love to read missionary biographies, and I always have one or more going. I keep them on my nightstand, in my carry-on, downloaded onto my kindle, and have entire shelves in my study dedicated to these biographies – including many favorites that I re-read from time to time.
Reading missionary biographies is another way to seek counsel that allows us to peer into the lives of those who went before us, who ran the race and finished well, and lets us glean from their life lessons to gain the wisdom and insights that we need for decision-making and growing in personal discipleship.
Here are a five specific reasons why reading missionary biographies is wise and helpful to gain needed counsel from those who went before.

Embracing a Call

We are able to “watch” other missionaries struggle with their call to missions, learn how their family members came to accept this new life the Lord had given them. There is something powerful about overhearing another’s call to ministry that puts our own in perspective. It is amazing how much we can relate to a brother or sister from a former time as they walked – or wrestled – with the biblical, theological, practical, and logistical concerns connected to accepting a call. We almost sense that we are walking with them as they leave their lives that had been so planned out in order to embrace radical abandon to the newly discerned will of God.

Getting Started in Missions

We find Christian companionship as we walk with others through their search to find a sending agency, raise support, and answer objections from their dearest relations regarding their “crazy” decision to leave for missionary service in foreign lands.

Pushing Through the Hard Times

We are encouraged when we read of their disappointments, setbacks, frustrations, and how ministry-stopping challenges melt away through their perseverance and persistent trust in God. Sometimes the pastor whom missionaries had poured into for years, spent long hours to disciple, and promoted among others as the “real deal” falls away and returns to the world. At other times the new couple that had answered the call to come join them in the work is turned back by a family crisis or denied visas by bureaucratic red-tape. Knowing that others before us faced and overcame similar setbacks can encourage us along the way.

Examples of Recovery from Sin

While many new missionaries are well versed in biblical teaching about living the Christian life, reading missionary biographies allows us to see “Christianity with skin on.” Reading of occasions when they sinned, lost their cool, became frustrated with or separated from other missionaries or nationals, but then pressed through to the grace side of it all gives us hope.

Missions Education

Missionaries in the past faced many of the same cultural, missiological, methodological, and relational challenges every missionary will face. Reading the stories of their lives provides a missions education that is more than mere speculation. It is the actual story of receiving and giving grace over and over again, finding the keys to reaching and teaching new cultures, and planting churches in gospel-hostile places.
Whether the book is a missionary’s complete biography, an autobiography, or story of an event in missions history, lessons can be learned that will benefit and offer counsel for missions ministry today. I cannot count the numbers of missionaries I will need to look up when I get Home to tell them thank-you for needed counsel. Their stories are not inspired or infallible, and certainly not authoritative prescriptions for the way missions must be conducted today, but I believe the Lord caused their stories to be preserved for us today and that we would be wise to learn from their hard-won lessons. Listen to their counsel, because “being dead they still speak” and teach us today.
Some excellent missionary biography “counsellors” to get you started are:
Dr. David Sills
Dr. David Sills is the founder and president of Reaching & Teaching International Ministries, a missions professor at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, speaker, and author.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Comparto una notita de gratitud de uno de los miembros de la Iglesia Bautista Universitaria

Pastor Joselito reciba un saludo cordial, he venido asistiendo a la iglesia Bautista Universitaria por 1 año aproximadamente, y me he quedado admirado y a la vez contento con la forma de predicación, no es que sea un neófito sobre el tema pero la doctrina que imparte es de un nivel altísimo, además considero que  personas como usted son muy escasas pero muy valiosas. Es sin duda el espíritu santo quien obra de manera tan maravillosa en su vida y refleja la luz de Cristo a quienes le escuchamos cada domingo, que Dios le siga utilizando y a través de usted  vengan a la fe de Cristo para salvación muchas más personas.
Gracias a usted y su ministerio.

Un abrazo y Dios le bendiga a usted y a su familia.

Carlos Herdoiza

Tuesday, May 10, 2016


Do you remember my first daughter Genesis? Well, she is attending to the University since january 2016. We created an special college fund for this purpose in our mission PMM Inc., USA. Really, we need your help.
If you want to give a special gift for her, please, send your offering to the following address: Mr. David Geiger: PALM Missionary Ministry; P.O. Box 1971; Melrose, FL 32666-1971.Thank you so much for your lovely missionary partnership with us, in the name of my daughter.

From R&TIM, USA.

Spring 2016 Ministry Update
Highlights of this ministry update include: 
  • Reports from new training sites
  • Church partnership opportunities
  • New missionaries and staff
Dear Friend,

Greetings from Cuenca, Ecuador, where I just returned from helping to launch a new pastoral training site on the edge of the Ecuadorian jungle. This opportunity is just one of many developments over the past several months at Reaching & Teaching, and I'm excited to update you on what the Lord has been doing.

New Training Sites

It's remarkable to think that we have already established 6 new training sites for short-term work in 2016.  

Macas, Ecuador
Launched this past week. About 35 pastors and leaders gathered for the training, thrilled to know that they would get a thorough theological and pastoral education over the next three years.

I spoke with one leader who shared that the majority of the mission stations established through the years out in the jungle areas have been abandoned as missionaries retired or relocated. He estimated that over 90% are completely closed down now and the indigenous people are returning to traditional ways. The missionaries did great work, won many souls, and planted churches, but no one was trained to be disciplers, teachers, and trainers. It is as if they left a tractor to help with farming that has now run out of gas or broken down, and no one is trained to continue its operation. So, they are returning to the old farming methods. 

To learn more about this opportunity to help equip leaders to propel the gospel throughout the jungle, check out today's blog article, "Training Leaders on the Jungle's Edge."
Anapu, Brazil
A remote location in northern Brazil. There was a tremendous turnout for the initial training! We are currently seeking a
church partner for Anapu. 

Juazeiro do Norte, Brazil 
Third Avenue Baptist Church in Louisville is staffing this strategic site in northeast Brazil for the next three years. 
After the training week, one pastor told us,

"The most encouraging teaching to me was the survey of the Old Testament. It helped me to better understand how God unveils his plan. I think every Christian needs to understand God’s big story."

Click here to read more about the training in Juazeiro do Norte.

Quito, Ecuador
We're excited to have commenced training efforts in the capital city of Ecuador in February. We are seeking an additional chuch partner for the training in Quito.

Port-au-Prince, Haiti
Trinity Evangelical Free Church is staffing the teaching roster for our training at Port-au-Prince. Pastors from throughout rural Haiti with no access to theological training came to be trained. One countryside pastor, who admitted his total monthly income to be equivalent to about $50 US dollars, spent $22 on transportation costs to come to the training.

To help subsidize the travel costs for the brothers in Haiti and at other training locations, please consider giving toward our Pastors Travel Fund.

Costa Abajo, Panama
This location is along the western coast of Panama, where pastors have had little access to theological training. We're also seeking a church partner for this location. 

Church Partnership Opportunities
As you noticed above, local churches are partnering with us to adopt our training sites, assuming responsibility to help staff the teaching rosters for them. We want to see the local church be at the center of our training ministry, so we're mobilizing churches in the States and abroad to join us in this work.

We're never limited by opportunities to train pastors and leaders, but only by the ability to immediately staff these sites when the opportunity arises. If you are a pastor or church leader that is interested in learning more about how your church can join us in this important work, please check out a recent blog article, "Church Partnerships for the Gospel's Advance."

New Missionaries

7 missionary families have joined our ranks over the past few months! It has been exciting to see the Lord steadily broadening the scope of Reaching & Teaching, as we have appointed our first missionaries outside Latin America. We are truly becoming a global agency even as we remain committed to ministry throughout the Americas. We're thankful for each family, their commitment to the Lord Jesus Christ, and the sacrifices they are making to reach and teach across the globe.
Brian and Sarah Argo (Mexico)
Lindley, Isaac, Emma, and Lucas

Brian and Sarah Argo are heading to Oaxaca City, Mexico, forming a missionary team with the Gibsons and Roots. Brian has served in pastoral ministry for the past thirteen years, having just stepped down as the senior pastor of Emmanuel Baptist Church in Potsdam, New York. 
Josh and Katie (East Asia)

Josh and Katie are heading to a location in East Asia where they will work alongside established missionaries to spread the gospel among unreached people and to disciple believers. Both Josh and Katie plan to use their educational and vocational experience as a platform for the task the Lord has given them. They hope to deploy later this year. 
ND and Yangzten (South Asia)
Chhiring and Nick

ND and Yangzten are returning to their home country in South Asia, having come to the U.S. for theological preparation. ND plans to train Christian leaders in the capital city as well as start a Christian day school so that Christian children have access to a decent education. ND and Yangzten hope to return to South Asia this Fall. 
Brandon and Krystle Leach (Argentina)
Mya and Malachi

Along with ND and Yangjen, Brian and Krystle Leach are our newest missionary appointees. The Leaches plan to join Jason and Kami Wright in Córdoba, Argentina, hoping to deploy early in 2017. 
Andy and Courtney Miller (Peru)

Andy and Courtney are preparing to minister in Cusco, Peru. Andy desires to equip pastors and leaders in the truth of the gospel. Courtney plans to practice medicine in Cusco, as she is currently a pediatrician. Andy and Courtney hope to deploy to language school later this year. 
Craig and Cindy (MENA)

Craig and Cindy desire to reach and teach in a city in the Middle East/North Africa region, having served as 'tentmakers' in the Gulf region for seven years. Craig and Cindy carry a special burden for the thousands of Syrian and Iraqi refugees that have been displaced in this region in the last several years. Their desire is to evangelize and raise up qualified, equipped leaders to minister within the Muslim world. 
Jason and Kami Wright (Argentina)
Kayden, Carley, and Brielle

Jason is transitioning from his role on the executive staff to equip pastors and church planters in Córdoba, Argentina. Jason and Kami will be working alongside established missionaries in Argentina, with the goal of discipling leaders to plant gospel churches in lesser reached portions of the country. The Wrights plan to embark for Córdoba in October
New Staff

We're also thankful for a growing stateside staff that facilitates all the work being done overseas. We're still looking to fill several strategic positions on our staff, and we'd love for you to be a vital part of what the Lord is doing. 
Luke Barnhard - Operations Coordinator

Luke, Crystal, and Wyatt Barnard call southern Indiana home. Luke will work to insure that our financial and personnel operations are functioning with excellence. Luke hopes to relieve Jason Wright of his operations duties this Summer. 
Rocky Coleman - Director of Short-Term Ministry

Rocky and Sarah Coleman (Caleb, Cade, Eliana, Crosby) live in Louisville, KY, where Rocky is currently completing a Ph.D. in Evangelism and Missions from Southern Seminary. Rocky will oversee the short-term logistics for all of our training sites, ensuring that our teams and sites are thoroughly prepared for each trip. 
In other news, God has provided the necessary funds for several missionaries - the Behars, Bishops, Kountzes, and Winfreys - to embark for language school! The Lord opened the floodgates for these folks in a unique way. The Kountzes have already landed in Ecuador, and the others are preparing to head overseas very soon.

Meanwhile, Weston and Heidi Root completed language school and recently joined AJ and Ruth Gibson in Oaxaca City, Mexico!

All of these new developments are the Lord's doing. Would you please commit to pray that the Lord would use each minister and ministry opportunity to effectively proclaim the gospel and make disciples?

Please also consider how you can be involved. Whether by praying and giving to send, or whether by praying and sacrificing to go, we want to see all God's people going into all the world, faithfully obeying all of the Great Commission.

We appreciate so much your continued support of the ministry. May the Lord bless you in the days ahead!

Grace and peace,
David Sills
All of God's people going into all the world, faithfully obeying all of the Great Commission. 
Copyright © 2014 Reaching & Teaching International Ministries All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 122, Wheaton, IL 60187
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Nota de Gratitud de parte de la Iglesia Evangélica de Iñaquito, Ecuador.

Hola a todos. En los pasados días participé como conferencista en el congreso "Bendiciendo Familias" de la Iglesia Evangélica de Iñaquito (con alrededor de 4000 miembros), donde pude presentar además mi reciente libro, y he recibido esta nota de gratitud que comparto con ustedes:

Muy estimado Joselito:
Saludos en el amor del Señor. Solamente unas palabras para volver a expresar nuestro más sincero y profundo agradecimiento por tu presencia y ministerio en el
...Congreso Bendiciendo Familias. Tu intervención fue grandemente apreciada y útil para inspirar, orientar y generar un más claro compromiso con Dios y Sus principios para la familia. En nuestra evaluación, respondida por unas 400 personas, todo el evento, expositores y temas tuvieron una calificación alta, gloria a Dios.
Por sobre todas las cosas, gracias por tu amistad y ejemplo de vida junto a Anita, y por proyectar una imagen ministerial y pastoral con ternura, integridad y humildad, un tesoro que en estos tiempos se está convirtiendo en un producto difícil de ver en la iglesia.
Un abrazo y bendiciones de Dios.
Fernando y Tere Lay.
Pastores principales de IEVI.

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Special request for economic & spiritual support...!

Hi everybody. I want to share with you a little bit about my last missionary prayer letter to PMM Inc., USA:
IMPORTANT: I’m going to resign my position like co-pastor of our home church, University Baptist Church. I had this position part time, five years ago. Yet, the people there are asking us to continue helping them like missionaries by faith, but we are praying about this possibility because we have many opportunities and invitations to serve around our country, even f...oreign missions trip some others countries in Latin-American. Please pray for that, because is very important for our ministry. We need to focus more in our missionary schedule and recover several personal missionary projects, like overseas mission trips, books publications, invitations for teaching in some places, etc. But, for that we need to get urgently more donors in USA and Latin-American.
If you want to be one of our supporters, please send your special gift to the following address: Mr. David Geiger: PALM Missionary Ministry; P.O. Box 1971; Melrose, FL 32666-1971.Thank you so much for your lovely partnership with us, in the name of all my family.

Mi Club de Mujeres

Aquí mi Club de mujeres, con el fondo del lago San Pablo en Imbabura, camino a Otavalo.
Here is my Women Club... behind the Saint Paul Lake, Imbabura province on the road to the Otavalo.

Saturday, May 7, 2016

From ECCU Bank

If You Can’t Take It with You…

by Jac La Tour

May 3, 2016
Remember those dreams you had as a kid where you’d find a bunch of money, start gathering it up and then wake up? The weird thing about those dreams is that they illustrate a reality. After we die—in that moment when we’re absent from the body and present with the Lord—we won’t have any of our money or stuff with us.
Now if you’ve been a follower of Jesus for a while, you know that the Bible says a lot about money and how we should use it. The central biblical theme is that our money is really God’s. He entrusts it to us to use according to his plans, not ours. We call this stewardship. “Your” money is a tool with a fixed expiration date. You only get to use it in this life. When you wake up, the only thing that will matter about the money you had is what you did with it.
Like so many other aspects of the Christian life, stewardship principles are easier to learn than practice. What exactly does God-honoring stewardship look like when it comes to budgeting or borrowing, saving or giving? How do you actually manage money in ways that glorify God?
Thanks to great ministries like Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace University and Willow Creek’s Good Sense Movement, we have easy access to resources that help us become better stewards. As a Christ-centered financial cooperative, ECCU shares this passion for helping people grow in this area of their Christian life. That’s why ECCU offers a unique savings account for kids who are just getting started and others for when they’re more skilled at managing their money. You can check out these various savings options here.
And tomorrow morning, whatever dreams you had, remember to thank God for the coins or bills or bank cards in your purse or wallet. And while you’re at it, ask what his plans are for “your” money today.